Chapter 6

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Jay's POV: After bringing Erin down to our bedroom, I smiled as I watched her go lay down in our bed. I let her hand go as soon as we walked into the door because it was what she always did. First thing when we walked into our room, she made her way to our bed. She liked to sit there and get the twins to calm down. And honestly, it was an amazing thing. Seeing her move over in bed while looking at me, I could already tell that Erin wanted me to sit with her. Going to get in bed next to her, I smiled as I went to wrap my arm around her and then grabbed her hand. 

Cuddling up to me a bit, Erin just smiled at me before I went to speak. "So, how are you doing? And be honest with me okay Erin?" Erin sighed when I asked her that. "I guess I am just starting to get impatient and bored. This is starting to get really repetitive...waking up, eating, relaxing, walks, cuddling up to you..." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her hand. "You are starting to feel trapped in here aren't you?" Going to intertwine our fingers, I looked at Erin who was biting her lip. She then proceeded to nod and sighed. "I hate that I feel that way Jay."

I agreed with her when she said that. "We only have 6, almost 7 weeks until we meet the kids Erin. I know it's a lot to ask but...we need to just stay the course. Erin, we just need to remember why we are doing this. We are doing this because of the health crisis out there." That's when I felt something/someone jump onto our bed. Seeing it was Roxy, I smiled at her. "Hey girl, come here." Roxy then came to walk over to us and laid down next to Erin. Going to pet her, Erin just smiled at me as she cuddled up to me and wrapped her arm around me. 

Kissing her head, I smiled at her. "I told you that Roxy would be god for the both of us." Erin turned her head to look up at me when I said that and just nodded. "Yes, she has been hasn't she?" I smiled when she asked me that before bending down and going to kiss her softly. I then felt Erin reach for my neck and smiled as she grabbed it. "Jay, I know you are probably really worried for me right now...but you don't have to be okay? Yes, I feel trapped here in the house's for a good reason. It's to make sure that I don't catch this and give it to our kids."

Continuing to look down at Erin as we held each other, I proceeded to lean my forehead against hers and just smiled at her. "Tell me the truth, you want to be alone with me and just talk right now?" Erin laughed when I said that and just smiled at me. "I think that is what YOU want Jay." I nodded when she asked me that. "I just want to make sure that you are okay." Erin nodded and smiled when I asked her that. "I will be much better when this is all over." I nodded and agreed with her. "Unfortunately, my brother says that the forecast for all of this isn't the best."

Erin then started to get worried. "Okay, how is that?" I sighed. "The epidemiologists are saying that fall and winter are just going to be worse that the summer. It's because people are going to be inside all the time." Erin sighed and just agreed with me when Is aid that. "And how does that make you feel? Does that make you worried?" I sighed and agreed with her. "Right now, I am worried because my wife is pregnant with our twins." Erin just nodded when I said that before sighing. "You are probably pretty happy that we aren't working right now aren't you?"

I nodded and bit my lip. "Erin, I know that you love being a cop...and I am not going to say that I hate having to hold you back. But right now, it's just not safe for us to be out there. If it was safe, I would be the first one to put you back to work." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "But right now, I don't trust people to not infect you with this. Erin, we need to protect you and the twins a lot right now. They say that pregnant woman are very vulnerable. And since my gorgeous wife is one of those women...I am sorry if that means you are stuck here with me."

Erin just laughed and smiled when I said that. Going to cuddle up to me, Erin wrapped her arms around me more, I just held Erin close to me and then went to kiss her forehead softly. "I should go back upstairs and help Hank." Erin then shook her head when I said that. "HANK!" Hearing that, Hank came rushing down worried. "Yeah Erin, you okay?" Erin then looked at him. "Can you lock up the door on your way out?" Hank then stared at her. "YOU YELLED AT ME TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Erin then looked at him. "Shut up and get out of here. You saw me..."

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