Chapter 67

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While Jay and Erin are having fun upstairs:
Matt's POV:
As I stand here in the ballroom of the hotel, I smile as I watch Gabby work her magic and get some more money out of donors. However, being all alone is a little boring at times. But, this is what I am going to sign up for being a missionary's husband. And god, I already love it. That's when I heard my phone ringing. Going to grab it, I saw that it was my mom and I instantly got worried. I told her only to call if something was wrong with the kids. Going to grab my phone, I went to walk away to a quieter space so that I could answer my phone. God, I just hope that everything is okay and that I don't have to worry Gabby about the kids. She needs to relax.

Going to answer the FaceTime call, I smiled at my mom. "Hey mom, everything good back there with the kids." My mom sighed when I asked her that. "With everybody but Emma. She refuses to go to sleep." I sighed when she said that. "Here, how about I try and sing her a lullaby? Maybe my voice can help put her to sleep." My mom agreed with me and then went to show me Emma. "Hi Emma. Someone tired there in their grandma's arms?" I saw her closing her eyes and just knew that was going to be the case soon. I then decided to start singing the lullaby Gabby taught me for when the kids can't sleep. It's in spanish so...I just hope I don't screw it up.

Listening to me sing, I watched Emma yawn for me and I knew that it was working. So, I decided to just continue with the lullaby to make sure that she fell asleep. I didn't want her to be awake for my mom longer than was required. She needed to sleep and I was going to make sure that she did. Now back to singing for her. Just concentrating on her, I smiled when I saw her yawn again because she was absolutely adorable and it just made my heart melt whenever I watched her fall asleep. My mom smiled when she was asleep. "God, you are so good at doing that Matt. And you are getting good in singing in Spanish." I agreed and smiled. "Our kids are bilingual."

My mom agreed with me when I said that. "And you are learning the language because..." I sighed when she asked me that. "Because I want to speak to my wife in Children in Spanish. That and I am sure that they are going to learn to talk back to us in Spanish. I need to know what they are saying so that I don't have to experience that. Now listen, as much as I would love to keep talking to you mom...I am on a date with Gabby and I would really like to get back to that. We are having fun and we actually met Oprah." My mom was shocked. "Wait, THE OPRAH." I nodded and agreed with her. "Along with Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews and Duncan Keith."

My mom was a little shocked when I said that. "Well, I am going to need some proof of that." I nodded and agreed with her, smiling as I went to go grab my phone so that I could send her some pictures of me with them. I then decided to send Gabby's picture with Oprah as well. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said that this was going to be a star studded event." I agreed with her when she said that and just smiled because this was the ideal life that I was living. "Listen mom, as much as I want to talk to you...I was just making sure that the kids were asleep. I am going back to my date okay? And remember about tomorrow?" She agreed.

"I remember Matt, believe me. Gabby already texted me to check on the kids twice tonight. Tell her to stop worrying." I laughed when she said that. "Yeah, and then I am going to tell her I don't intimate time. Yeah, be realistic mother!" I just smiled at her. "Night mom. See you tomorrow." My mom agreed with me. "Night Matt." Going to hang up, I smiled as I went to go find Gabby as she laughed when some of her friends. Moving to wrap my arm around her waist once I was next to her, I smiled as I went to go kiss her cheek. "The kids are all asleep." Gabby turned to look at me when I said that and smiled at me. "I was about to ask you that same question."

I nodded and smiled when she said that. "My mom just called me. Emma was having a bit of trouble with falling asleep. I sang her that lullaby you taught me." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that before going to wrap her arm around me. Going to do the same, I went to kiss her forehead softly and just smiled. "By the way Matt, these are my friends from Puerto Rico. This is Juan Martin Selices...he is the head of mission based in San Juan." I smiled when she said that. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Martin." Juan looked at me and smiled. "You know the culture pretty well." I nodded and agreed with him. "Antonio tried to convince me for our kids to be Casey Dawson. I am way. Sorry man, but my kids are just Caseys here in Chicago."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. That's when she saw that there was a presentation for Puerto Rico stuff. "Hey Matt, Pearl already sent me the presentation and I know it by heart. However, you don't. How about you go watch it so that you know what you are going to be doing when we move there?" I nodded and agreed with her. "Okay. I want another dance before we head upstairs tonight." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Oh, and my mom texted me about what I asked her earlier tonight. We can go shopping in the morning for gifts." I smiled and agreed with her. "Sounds good." Walking away, I smiled as I prepared to go watch the presentation while Gabby continued to speak to the head of the mission.

Gabby's POV:
As I watched Matt walk away to go watch the presentation...I couldn't help but think of just how lucky I was to be his wife. He is going to be moving heaven and earth to make sure that me and the kids are happy....I just don't know how exactly to show him just how much I appreciate that. I can honestly say that Matt is the love of my life and I really hope that he knows that. That's when I heard Juan speak to me. "I hope that man there knows just how lucky he is to be your husband." I smiled and blushed when he said that. "I am the lucky one. We hit a rough patch a couple years ago...we got back together a year ago at this event. Now, we have kids. It's great."

Juan smiled when I said that. "So, he's the one that you put your life on the line for?" I sighed when he said that. We were great friends in Puerto Rico and he has always been concerned for me. "Yes. And we are so happy. Please don't bring it's not something we have to worry about anymore. I don't have the aneurysm." Juan smiled when I said that. "Well, congratulations. But listen, I am sure that you don't really want to spend time with me. How about you go relax with Matt? And sit down since you are pregnant. Heck, I am shocked you can wear heels!" I looked at him when he said that. "You're gay aren't you?" Juan bit his lip.

"It's okay. Remember my late best friend?" He nodded and smiled. "She was lesbian. So, I am fine with it. Trust me, I had to sit in a ambulance for 24 hours straight 2-3 times a week with her. I am fine with people being gay. Listen, maybe you can get some projects lined up for Matt? He is going to help with the construction when we move down there. Maybe even a paid job? We are going to have 5 kids in the new year." Juan smiled when I said that. "Of course Gabby. Congratulations again and you go have a good night with Matt." I smiled and agreed with him. "Oh trust me, I will." He laughed and smiled when I said that, watching me walk away to Matt.

God, I am so glad that I am going to be able to see those friends of mine on a daily basis again. I haven't realized just how much I missed them. Maybe I have been suffering more than I expected here in Chicago. God, how is Matt going to feel when I tell him that? Should I even tell him? I mean, he is already (still) beating himself up over the fact that he missed some of the signs. Can I really pile this on him too. You know what? He's my husband and he needs to know how I am feeling so we can get through this. But right now, let's go watch that video together.

New Beginnings Season 2: Raising our Family (ABANDONED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon