Chapter 91

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Matt's POV: After making my way home with Gabby, I smiled as I finished putting my shift clothes away and got changed into my casual clothes. Coming downstairs to the kitchen, I saw Gabby standing there while trying to make me some breakfast even though she told me the kids tired her out yesterday. She needs to relax and I am just glad that she put the kids in daycare. Yes, I could have just taken them to the beach or to the park but...we needed them to have time with their friends. And we needed a day together where she can rest...which starts with her going to sit down rather than making me some breakfast. "Gabby, go sit down babe. I'll make you breakfast today. I already ate at the firehouse." Gabby turned to look at me when I said that, just watching as I came to get close to her that morning. "Babe."

Gabby looked up at me when I got close to her. Moving my hands to her hips, I smiled at her and then brought her close to me. "Gabby you look exhausted babe. You need to go get some rest." Gabby shook her head when I said that. "Not yet. RIght now, I want to just stay close to you. I want today to be a day where we can be together. We have been so busy the past year. Sure, we had the last two months together last year's been busy." I sighed when she said that. She has been feeling that way recently. She has been questioning how happy I am here. Going to rub her back, I just went to hold her close to me and started to kiss her neck softly. "Gabby, listen to me okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Gabby, I love you and I love our life here."

Gabby sighed and just looked at me. "I guess it's just the wait for the specialist that is getting to me. Matt, I am not sure how much longer I can wait until we get in there. These kids are driving me insane." I nodded when she said that. "Babe, I know. Believe me Gabby, I know that's the case. But I promise that in the new year...we are going to get in. Gabby, take some breaths for me." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Moving to wrap her arms around me, Gabby sighed because she has been very stressed recently. And when she is stressed, she overthinks and just goes to the extreme. As much as I love that when it comes to details for food, I hate it when it comes to her always overthinking and analyzing things. It's so hard on her.

Rubbing Gabby's arms, I went to kiss her forehead and just sighed because I want her to relax right now. I want her to take a breather and I want her to remember that she is human and that she can't always be supermom. Heck, she hasn't done a day at the charity in a while because of the diagnosis we got. "Gabby, do you remember the last time you worked at the charity?" Gabby bit her lip. "Honestly, I am not sure." I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, you need to start getting out there okay? I know that you are still worried about Noah and Emma Grace because of their diagnosis...but they are being taken care of okay? We got them." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "Gabby, you need to do stuff that is going to make you happy down here."

Gabby agreed with me. "And that includes next shift. Gabby, you need to go in next shift because I am going in with you. I am going to be there as part of the Fire Department's contribution to the vaccination effort." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "That sounds perfect." I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "We are going to be okay. I promise." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Have I ever told you that you are the best husband in the entire world?" I smiled and agreed with her. Stepping close to her, I went to kiss her before going to put my hand on her neck and going to kiss her neck softly. Hearing her moan, I smirked because this is exactly what I want to hear when I get home.

"Listen, you sure that you want to eat? I already ate at the firehouse this morning because I knew that I might have to help with the kids." Gabby smiled when I said that. Going to pick her up in my arms, I smiled as I went to wrap her legs around my waist and just stared into her eyes. "Gabby, you need to let me help you relax today okay? You have been supermom for long enough. Today, we need to let you rest." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I could go for a massage." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "I would love to give you a massage in the bath." Gabby just smirked when I said that, wrapping her arms around my neck as I carried her upstairs and just kissed her slowly. God, I want her so bad after a long shift.

That's when Gabby pulled away. "Okay, you smell. Maybe we can take a shower first?" That's when I remembered something. "You need something to eat too." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Carry me over to the muffins and let me grab one. Then, we can go upstairs and get in bed. I have missed you and we are going to start this day alone in bed where you can kiss me." I laughed and agreed with her when she said that, carrying her over to where we keep the muffins. I then proceeded to grab one for her and just went to give it to her. Holding it for me, Gabby smiled as we held each other close and just got ready to go upstairs to relax in bed together. God, I hope that I can just help her relax with a nice massage and some kisses.

I hate to say this but...we haven't had this great of a sex life in a long time. God, she is so sexy here. I am not sure what, but it's like a light switch flicked on and her sexuality just exploded...not that I am complaining considering I am the one who benefits the most. God, she is just so sexy and I am so lucky that she is my wife. Now, back to carrying her upstairs. I want her so bad and she better want me too because she is going to get me the minute we are in our room together. Eating her muffin on the way up, Gabby just enjoyed what I was doing before our shower. God, I can't wait to run my hands all over her nice body. She has finally lost all of her baby weight and now, she is nice and sexy....and all mine for a little while.

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