Chapter 34

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Jay's POV: Once I finished putting the kids in their cribs, I smiled as I looked at Erin as just laid back in our hospital bed to try and get some rest. Going to check on the kids, I smiled as I just rubbed their cheeks since they were all asleep. Looking at Erin, I saw her tugging on the sheets. "You cold?" Erin nodded when I asked her that. "Listen, I am going to put my shirt on okay? You need rest." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that, watching me walk over to our bag so that I could grab my shirt. Going to put it on, I just smiled at her because she looked sexy.

"You going to sleep or do you just want to relax with me right now?" Erin smiled when I asked her that. "Come hold me in your arms?" I nodded and agreed with her before going to put my shirt over my head. Once I put it on, I went to walk over to our bed so that I could go relax with her. Opening the covers, I went to get in next to Erin and smiled as I went to wrap my arm around her. Cuddling up to me, Erin smiled at me while going to grab my hand. Looking at her, I smiled as I bent down and went to kiss her softly. "You did great today, you know that right?"

Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that and just went to put her hand on my chest. Feeling her stroke my chest with her thumb, I went to put my hand on hers and held it. I then proceeded to wrap my arm around her back and just smiled as we held each other close. Going to kiss her forehead, I smiled because this was exactly what I wanted to be doing right now. I was very comfortable and I could pretty much tell that Erin felt the same way. Going to kiss her head, I smiled because I was so happy to be a dad. And it was all thanks to my sexy wife right here.

"How you feeling?" Erin smiled when I asked her that. "I am okay considering all we have been put through today. Is it a little weird that I am both mad that our kids put us through that...while also being so glad that they are here?" I smiled and agreed with her. "I am not mad at them, I am just glad that my family is safe." That's when I felt Roxy get on the bed and curl up at me and Erin's feet. "You are okay with her being there right?" Erin nodded when I asked her that. "Of course I am Jay. It's not like it's not what she does when we are at home." I agreed with her.

"I promise that she is not going to hurt the kids ever okay? That is something you don't have to worry about." Erin sighed when I said that. "Thanks for getting that in my head." I nodded and bit my lip before going to kiss her forehead. "Erin, I am sorry that was scary...I just want to let you know that I am going to protect the kids. You and the kids are my world and there is nothing that I am not going to do to protect you guys." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. That's when I heard my phone ding. Erin then looked at me, go check who it is. Hank's worried.

I agreed with her when she said that before proceeding to go grab my phone.

Will: At Molly's...Salad or Fries? Water for Erin? 

Turning to look at Erin, I smiled at her. "Will and Natalie are at Molly's. What are we getting again?" Erin smiled when I asked her that. "I want those wings without sauce. Fries for now. And water with lemon." I agreed with her when she said that. "I will get a salad in case your change your mind. Can I get a beer or..." Erin shook her head. "Nope, I am breastfeeding. You do not drink." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before going to kiss her softly.

Jay: Wings no sauce, fries, water w lemon. Salad too. NO BEER. 
Will: Let me guess, last one is from Erin? 
Jay: You know it. Maybe get chicken on side for salad.
Will: Good idea, protein. Give me your keys when I'm there for clothes.
Jay: Can u just concentrate on getting us food? We can talk when ur here.
Will: Sure, talk soon. Congrats again to you both on the triplets.

Going to set my phone down, I smiled at Erin because she looked quite comfortable while I sat down next to her. "So, what does it feel like to be a mom?" Erin just laughed when I asked her that. "I am feeling much more confident in my abilities." Going to grab her hand, I smiled at her. "Which is exactly what I want to hear babe. You are a going to be a great mom." Erin smiled and just nodded when I said that. "I am sorry that I didn't believe you." I shook my head when she said that before going to lean my forehead against hers. Keeping her close, I smiled at her.

That's when I started to feel my phone blow up.

Matt Casey: Congratulations on the TRIPLETS! -M&G
Adam Ruzek: There better not be 2 mini-Jays in that set of triplets.
Trudy Platt: Congrats Chuckles, don't screw up!
Hank Voight: Congratulations. I want pictures. I'm first in meeting them.
Antonio Dawson: Felicidades mi Amigo y mi Amiga! 
Mouse: Congrats man! 

Erin's phone then started to blow up as well.

Olivia Benson: Hank just told me. Congrats...she named after me?
                  Erin Reply: Yes, you're my idol. Come here sometime!!!!

Kim Burgess: Congrats Erin. Pictures!!!
Hailey Upton: Congrats Erin and Jay.
Kelly Severide: Congrats Erin and Jay.

I just laughed and smiled at her. "Seems that everybody knows that we had kids." Erin smiled and agreed with me. "I just hope that they don't bombard us." I nodded and smiled at her before going to kiss her softly. Taking it slow with her, I just smiled because this was exactly what I wanted to be doing right now. That's when I heard the door open to see Maggie. "Hey, your brother asked me to be put on your case." I smiled and just laughed when she said that. "Figures he would do that." That's when Maggie saw Roxy. "She shits in here, you clean it up."

I nodded and agreed with Maggie when she said that. "Do you mind getting us an extra blanket? I just had to put a long sleeve shirt on because I am cold." Maggie smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Of course." I then went to look at her. "After that, I want the details on Will and Natalie. What is happening and how did he really win her back?" Maggie nodded and agreed with me. "I will do that right when I get you the blanket. I am also going to get you the breast pump that your dad dropped off so that you can make some bottles for the triplets."

Erin smiled and agreed with Maggie when she said that. "That sounds great, thanks Maggie." Maggie nodded and agreed with Erin when she said that. "Actually, you want me to go take..." I then went to let her know Roxy's name. "Her name is Roxy and she is my emotional support dog for my PTSD." Maggie nodded and agreed with me. "You want me to take her out so that she doesn't make me mad." I laughed and agreed with her when she asked me that. "Sure, that sounds great. But the blanket first?" Magie nodded and agreed with me, smiling.

"Of course, I'll be right back. Then, I will go take her out so that you can have a bit of time alone just the two of you for a little bit." I smiled and agreed with Maggie when she said that before watching her leave. I then went to turn my head and smiled as I went to kiss Erin's head as we held each other close in our hospital bed.

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