October 27th, 2021

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Estación de Bomberos de San Juan - Puerta de Tierra (8 AM)
Matt's POV: As I stand in the firehouse locker room shortly after my latest shift, I yawn because it has been a long 36 hours. Emma Grace was up the night before with a bunch of bad dreams because of an anxiety attack (she, along with her brother Noah, have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, OCD and Anxiety). And I of course volunteered to help her fall back asleep. That's when I heard Chief Escobar walk over to me. "Outstanding shift Captain Casey." I nodded and agreed with him. "Believe me, I am shocked that I didn't fall asleep during some of those fires."

Chief Pablo Escobar Valdez looked at me when I said that, confused. "What do you mean?" I sighed as I looked at him. "You remember the kids?" Chief nodded and agreed with me when I asked him that. "Noah and Emma have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, OCD and Anxiety. Emma had an anxiety attack in the early morning hours of the day of shift. That's why I was in my bunk a bunch yesterday. I was exhausted and tried to catch up on sleep as well as my paperwork. Today, I need to rest because I promised that I would do Halloween shopping."

Chief Escobar agreed with me when I said that. "Matt, you do remember that next shift, there is the option to work at the Vaccine Clinic. It's being run by your wife's charity." I looked at him when he said that. "It is?" He nodded and agreed with me when I asked him that. "I'm actually surprised that you haven't signed up for a shift yet." I laughed when he asked me that. "Maybe I need to do just that. Can you get a reliever for me next shift? I think I am going to spend next shift at the clinic with Gabby. I owe her a date anyways. Maybe after the clinic." He agreed with me.

"Then you go ahead and do that Matt." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "By the way, you've been here 9 months now. How do you like it?" I sighed when he asked me that. "I love it because my family is here. But I miss my other family at times. You know, the firehouse family." He agreed with me when I said that before walking away. "You could always do an exchange." I laughed when he said that. "Yeah, and what would that do to my marriage? My wife would kill me if I left her alone with the 4 kids...especially when some are special needs."

Walking out onto the apparatus floor, I smiled at him. "Noah and Emma." He nodded and smiled. "You must hate seeing your daughter go through that." I shrugged and agreed with him. "Better than how I had to spend my childhood." Chief Escobar was confused when I said that. "I was abused as a kid by my father." He sighed when I said that. "I am so sorry Captain. I didn't know." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. I then went to take a breath and just smiled. "So listen, next shift...I am going to do the vaccine clinic right?" He agreed.

"Yes, you can tell your wife that you have been detailed there." I smiled when he said that. "That sounds great. She has been bugging me to go and help her. I have just been weary since I am the new guy...yet I am already a Captain." He smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Impressive as always. Now listen, I think that woman over there wants to see you." Turning my head, I smiled when I saw Gabby. "Yes, yes she does. See you next shift Chief." He agreed with me and nodded while I went to walk over to Gabby. Looking at her, I smiled before going to hug her.

"This is a nice surprise. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "I took the day off. I want to spend a bit of time with you. I had your mom drop me off here. The kids are taken care of for a bit. I just need a break." I sighed when she said that before going to set my bag down. I then proceeded to wrap my arms around her, feeling her wrap her arms around my neck. Holding her close to me, I went to kiss her and just smiled at her. "You okay?" Gabby shook her head. "Emma and Noah spent yesterday driving me crazy." I agreed, sighing.

"I knew I should have asked to leave early. There were no calls last night." Gabby shook her head. "Relax, I'm fine Matt...I really am okay? I just need to vent I guess." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Okay, whatever you say. Just know that I am here for you whenever you need me okay? You are my priority." Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that. "By the way, we made the right choice when it comes to you having such a high paying job." I smiled and agreed. "We still on the waiting list for the doctor? I know they were supposed to call yesterday with news."

Gabby sighed when I said that. "We are in the top 5." I nodded when she said that. "Next year, I promise. Listen, you sure you want to take them out for Halloween babe? They probably won't even remember it. I have shift the next day too and we have church that morning." Gabby sighed when I said that. "I am not sure. All I know is that I needed time away from them." I agreed with her when she said that. "You know, we still have the option of daycare. Gabby, we need to talk about all this." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Smiling, she kissed me.

Taking it slow with her, I just smiled because I missed her during my shifts. "You need to start doing this more often okay?" Gabby laughed and smiled when I said that. "I promise, I will try and come the mornings after your shifts if the kids are occupied. By the way, I sent them to daycare today. Sorry but, I need a day with just you. I mean, if that's okay with you." I nodded and agreed with her. "I'll go pick them up later. But for now, let's go home. You look exhausted and I just finished shift." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that.

"Maybe we can go to the beach together or something? I just need a day with you. We can go pick the kids up around Noon. That's when they are scheduled to have lunch. We can go to the beach after or something." I agreed with her and smiled. "You take time off from the charity." Gabby sighed when I asked her that. "I took leave for a bit. Sorry but, things have been crazy recently and I need to talk to you about that." I got concerned and just looked at her. "At home okay? Please Matt, I'm tired." I nodded and agreed with her, stepping close to her.

Putting my hands on her hips, I went to kiss her and smiled as I started to take it slow with her. "Gabby, we are going to talk when we are home okay? Promise?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, ready to go home so that we can have the morning together. "Just the morning right?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "I mean, unless you want to extend it." I smiled and agreed with her. "Call them on our way home and say that we have errands to run. We just want the kids to make friends so, let's let them stay there. I need time with my girl."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "I'll drive okay?" Gabby nodded as she went to give me the keys to the van and then went to walk around so that she could get in the passenger seat. Going to open the back door, I went to go set my shift bag down before going to get into the driver's seat so that I could drive Gabby home. She looks exhausted and like she needs some time with me...and that is exactly what I am going to give her. "Today will be nice. Your mom gone too?" Gabby smiled when I said that. Today, we can sleep in bed together." I laughed, agreeing.

"Oh, now that sounds perfect." Going to pull away from the curb once the van was on, I smiled as we spoke to each other while laughing. God, this was the life and I am so glad that we moved here. Gabby is finally back to her normal self. Well, in my opinion she is at least.

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