Chapter 32

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Jay's POV: As I just held Erin in my arms, we were both worried as I just helped her breathe. Thanks when I heard Gabby come out. "I already called Antonio, he is going to tell Hank. Matt called for an ambulance here STAT. Jay, let me see what's happening while you call your brother. Tell him to be there for you." I agreed with her and then just took a breath as I went to grab my phone. "Erin, that okay?" Erin nodded and agreed with me as I held her. Gabby then looked at us as she went to get on the ground to check how we were doing. "Okay, I don't see the head yet."

We both got scared when she said that...until she told us that was good. "Relax guys, that's good. That's really good. Now, Matt is on his way out. Me and him are going to join you at the hospital. We have our moms here to take care of the kids. Jay, give Matt your car keys and he'll go get you some clothes. And he'll drive your truck to the hospital." I agreed with her when she said that. "Uhm, Erin...I'm going to bring Roxy with us because I am going to be stressed." Erin nodded and agreed with me. "Of course Jay." Erin then went to let out a loud scream. "FUCK!"

"You better be okay with just two kids. I don't care if they end up being the same gender...I am done after this!" I agreed with her. "Of course babe, I understand." That's when I heard Matt come out. "Jay, car keys. I am going to get your clothes. Gabby, I talked to our moms...they have the kids for a while okay? We can stay there until we are told to leave. Ambo 99 is en route. House 20 is closer. Hank is meeting you at the hospital." Erin nodded and agreed with Matt. "Thanks Matt, see you at the hospital." Going to give him my keys, I smiled at him.

"You sure you don't want me to bring Roxy for you? It's pretty cramped in the Ambo." I then thought about it and agreed. "Right, of course." Matt then looked at Gabby. "Gabby, I told my mom that we'll call her when we need a ride. I will see you at the hospital okay? Remember to mask up and stay safe. Jay, I expect to meet your kids at the hospital." I laughed and agreed with him. "Of course. Same layout as you. Get us a bunch of sweats." Matt agreed and just smiled as he walked away. "C'mon Roxy, let's go get your daddy some clothes." Matt then bit his lip.

"Want me to bring her bowls and her bed for you guys?" I then turned to look at him. "Yes please." Matt nodded and agreed with me while walking away. I then went to rub Erin's back to give her my support. "Jay, this is it. I am sorry but, I am not risking this happening again." Gabby then looked at me. "Believe me when I say this Jay, you don't want to argue with her. This is traumatic. I still have dreams of it happening to me." I nodded and agreed with her. "Erin, I love you and this is good for me." That's when Gabby heard a siren in the distance.

Going to check the babies, she smiled. "Things are looking great for how far progressed you are. This is going to be a fast delivery okay? Believe me when I say this, DON'T PUSH!" Gabby then looked at me. "Jay, come here..." I nodded and agreed before looking to look. Gabby then whispered to me. "That's the baby's head. She pushes, they can fall out in the Ambo." Gabby then looked at Erin. "Erin, do you want an epidural?" Erin agreed with her. "Yes!" Gabby nodded. "Jay, ask the paramedic to...." That's when the Ambo got there. It was Ambo 61. "Hey Gabby."

Turning around, Gabby saw it was PIC Hunter. "Hunter, great to see you." Hunter then smiled. "Tell Matt congrats for us." Gabby agreed. "Uhm, Hunter...come here for a second?" Hunter then agreed with Gabby as she went to show him the situation. I then saw the fear in his eyes. "Gabby, can you come with us? Sorry but, I trust you more!" Gabby then turned to look at Hunter. "Hunter, give me your radio. Tell Chief Casey I am on the way to the hospital with them. Who's the other paramedic." Hunter then smiled. "Rafferty." Gabby then groaned.

"Rafferty?" The paramedic then spoke over the radio. "Dawson?" I agreed. "We have Hank Voight's daughter in the back. I am riding along since I am their friend. If you have any problems with it, you can take it up with your new Battalion Chief aka MY HUSBAND!" That's when we heard Boden over the radio. "Rafferty, let Gabby join your run. Good luck Jay and Erin." I agreed with him and then went to get in. "Hunter, tell Chief that I am on my way to the hospital!" Hunter agreed and nodded as he went to go close the ambulance. Looking at Erin, I smiled at her.

Hitting the back of the Ambulance, Gabby told the driver to go. Meanwhile, I just leaned over Erin and went to kiss her softly. "I am right here Erin." I then went to move and kiss her forehead softly. "Gabby, can you reach Med over the radio?" Gabby nodded and agreed. "I got it. I'll get him." Gabby then went to use the Radio. "Ambo 61 to Chicago Med." It took a few minutes but they then responded. "Dawson?" She sighed. "Later. I have Hank Voigt's daughter and Dr. Halstead's brother. She is in premature labor with twins!" Gabby then went to go hook her up.

"BP is Stable, HR is 108. Mother is awake and alert. Husband is with patient. I will be staying until my husband Battalion Chief Casey can join us." Med was then about to respond when Hank spoke. "Voight to Ambo 61. Erin, is it you?" Gabby then went to reply. "Hank, we got her. I am on route with them. You can trust me. That and Jay's brother works at Med. Whoever gives birth to these babies are dead if something goes wrong...both by you and his brother."  That's when Maggie responded. "Gabby, she is going straight to delivery. Setting up VIP Suite ASAP."

Gabby then went to speak to her. "Maggie, get her more pillows. I had to request more for my back. She's going to need the same." Maggie agreed. "Of course." I then looked at her. "Helps to have a friend who just went through this." Erin then looked at me and just went to squeeze my hand. Meanwhile, I went to kiss her forehead. "At least we already had breakfast this morning." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Today, we become a family." I nodded and agreed with Erin. "We are already a family." I then went to kiss her and smiled at her. "I love you."

Gabby then looked at the both of us. "Erin, remember how much you love him when you are in pain later. Trust me when I say this, giving birth to multiples is a lot of work. Jay, you give this woman a massage. The minute you get into a recovery give this woman a massage. If not Erin, you have permission to without sex from him." Erin laughed when she said that and I just shook my head. "You are evil Dawson." Gabby just looked at me. "May I remind you what you did to me." I gulped and agreed with her when she said that. "Of course. Sorry again."

That's when Erin went to go check on the babies again and she decided to just check Erin's HR. "You guys have names ready?" We both agreed and smiled. "Yes, can't wait to meet our two little ones." That's when Gabby decided to go grab the portable ultrasound to check on the heartbeats of our twins. Listening, we loved the sound. That's when Gabby spoke to us. "Uhm guys, you said twins right?" We then both went to look at Gabby...

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