Chapter 83

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished having lunch that afternoon, I smiled as I finished getting undressed per Gabby's request. Gabby's hormones seem to be everywhere recently and I was definitely not going to complain that she wants to cuddle up to me while just wearing her lingerie and my boxers. My wife was gorgeous and I for one am not going to complain. Walking over to the washroom to see Gabby washing her hands (she had a little accident with the salsa), I smirked at the sight of my gorgeous (pregnant) wife as she just wore her bra and underwear.

Coming to walk into the washroom behind her, I smirked as I went to put my hands on the counter next to her and then stood right behind her with her back against my chest. Looking up at me in the mirror, Gabby smiled as she felt me wrap my arms around her waist. Putting her hands on mine, she then proceeded to just relax while leaning back against my chest. "You know, you holding me like this is something that I could get used to." I smiled when she said that before going to turn her around. Grabbing my head, Gabby smiled and just stared into my eyes.

"I could get used to this too. But, I would rather do it at night after spending great days well as making wonderful memories with our kids." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. Stepping close to Gabby, I went to put my hands on her stomach and smiled as I went to kiss her softly. Grabbing the back of my head, Gabby just took it slow with me while we stood close to one another in the washroom. "Can we do this in bed rather than here in the washroom? As much as I love you...this is not where I want to make out with you."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Then where exactly do you want to make out with me?" I smiled when she asked me that before feeling her run her hand down my chest. Putting my hand on hers, I just went to kiss her again and smiled as I took it slow with her. "Let's go relax in bed okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Going to grab her hand, I watched as she led me out of the washroom so that we can go relax in bed together. Well that and run my hands around her body. God, she looks so damn sexy right now.

Leading me right to our bed, Gabby smiled as she turned around when we were at the side of the bed. Stepping close to her, I moved my hands to her stomach and just smiled at her because of how much I want to just hold her in my arms right now. Putting my hands on her stomach, I smiled as I stepped close to her and then went to kiss her softly. Taking it slow with her, I smirked before bending down and going to kiss her neck softly. "You enjoy that." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Oh, you know I do Matt." I smiled and agreed with her.

Stepping close to her, I brought her against my chest and smiled as I went to rub her stomach. I then went to (secretly) grab her bra and undo it. Once it was undone, I took it off and just held her close to me without her bra. "You had to know I was going to take that off." Gabby smiled and agreed with me as she put her hands on my arms. She then started to kiss me slowly and just smiled as we both took it slow with each other. "God, you are such a tease." I smiled and nodded. "Don't say anything Mrs. Casey, I can say the same thing about you." She just laughed.

Turning around, Gabby went to get in bed ahead of me. Just smiling at me as she sat up, she motioned for me to lay down in bed. Agreeing, I moved to lay back and just smiled as she came to cuddle up to me. Watching her lay down (with her bare-chest against mine), I smiled as I went to wrap my arm around her while tugging the covers up on top of us. God, she is such a tease and I am so glad that she is mine. Nothing like doing this on a day alone at a hotel. Sure, did I miss the kids? Of course I do. But not enough to not want this day alone with Gabby.

 But not enough to not want this day alone with Gabby

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