Chapter 96

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45 minutes later, after getting out of the pool:
Jay's POV: As I finish getting out of the pool so that I can go find Erin, I sigh when I see her standing by the BBQ starting the chicken we were going to use for fajitas rather than relaxing. I told her that I wanted her to relax whenever I was home and (obviously) that is not what she is doing right now. However, I couldn't help but wonder if there is a reason why she isn't relaxing right now. Making my way over to her, I smiled as I came to stand right behind her and cuddle up to her from behind. Putting my hands on her legs, I whispered in her ear and smirked. "Hey."

Erin laughed when I said that and just smiled. "You sir are trouble." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, stepping close to her before bringing her against my chest. "So, talk to me Erin. What's going on?" Erin sighed as she looked up at me. "It's me being frustrated." I nodded when she said that. "Erin, you can't do this to yourself. I know what you are thinking because you think this way every time we get a negative test. Erin, I already told you this and I am going to tell you again...we don't NEED to have any more kids. I love the triplets babe."

Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that and just got close to me. Wrapping her arms around my back, she started to kiss me and just smiled as we took it slow with each other. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I smiled as I kissed her slowly. "I mean it okay Erin? You and the triplets are all I need to be happy in life." Erin just smiled when I said that, agreeing with me when I said that. "Okay." I smirked at her. "However, that doesn't mean I am not going to be thrilled if we are given the chance to have another baby. I would love another boy." Erin smiled.

"However, we don't NEED to have another boy. It's just a want, not a need." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. Stepping close to me, she went to wrap her arms around my neck and just smiled as she took it slow with me. "God, I love you so much." I smiled and agreed with Erin when she said that. "I love you too and I want you to remember that whenever you are feeling down okay? I love you, I love the kids and we don't need to have anymore kids for us to be happy." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. "God, I am so happy you're home early."

I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "Me too. I love this life we have here and it's amazing." That's when I felt Roxy walk over to me and come to shake off right next to us. Looking down at her, I shook my head. "I swear, it's like she knows right when she needs to bother us." Going to rub her head, I smiled at Roxy while Erin wrapped her arms around me. "I guess we can always considering Roxy our 4th child." I agreed with her when she said that. "Babe, she pretty much is. She acts just like a child sometimes." Erin then smiled. "Yeah, so does my husband."

I smiled at her when she said that and then moved her hand to her butt. Stroking it with my thumb, I smiled as I started to take it slow with her. Putting her hands on my chest, Erin smiled as I went to work on the chicken I was making for lunch. "By the way, Will is watching the kids right?" I nodded when Erin asked me that. "Yes, but I am going to go back. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Erin shook her head when I said that. "No, you are going to stay right here. I am comfortable with your arm around me and your hand on my butt." I laughed and agreed.

Going to scratch Erin's back, I smiled as I went to go grab the tongs and then went to flip the chicken. Wrapping her arms around me more, Erin smiled as we held each other close. That's when I decided to squeeze her butt a bit, making her jump. She then went to slap my chest because she was not amused. "JAY!" I smiled and just looked at her. "Hey, you were asking for that. You're the one who is standing close to me like this." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "We need to go on a date sometime. Sorry but it's time for us to take time together."

Erin agreed with me when I said that. "No trying for a baby yet okay? Next year okay?" I agreed with her when she said that and smiled at her because I actually really liked the idea. "That sounds great. Gives us time with the kids and just to establish ourselves here more. We need to make more friends babe." Erin smiled when I said that and just went to kiss me again. That's when I heard Will walk over to me with Brianna. "Hey man, sorry to disturb need to go back over there Erin. This little one here needs to go down for a nap. That crib still here?"

I turned to look at Will when he asked me that. "Yeah, I figured you would come over. It's set up in the living room. That chair our girls liked." Will smiled and agreed with me before going to walk inside so that he could put Brianna down for a nap. Meanwhile, Erin looked at me and smiled. "I am starting to wonder whether they live here too." I laughed and smiled when she said that. "Same here. Maybe we should start charging them rent..." I laughed and agreed with her. "Maybe we should, make a pretty penny." Erin just laughed at me before going to kiss me.

"Or we can just say they have to babysit for us after they take a swim." I smiled when she said that. "You want to go to dinner later?" Erin nodded when I asked her that. "I wouldn't mind having a bit of time with you. We haven't had much alone time recently. Maybe being alone is what we need to have a baby." I smiled when she said that. "I thought we just agreed to wait for next year?" Erin sighed and looked at me. "I am not sure really. I am on the fence about waiting or just going for it. I want the kids to be close in age....yet I am also scared to get a negative test."

I agreed with her when she said that before going to check on the chicken. "Erin listen, I am not going to force you to try again if you think it's going to hurt you. We both know that I don't want to hurt you. Erin, you were so excited when you thought you were pregnant....I hate having to watch you feel disappointed each and every time. Now, I am not saying that you aren't going to get pregnant if we try again...but we have been having a hard time. Maybe it's a sign that we are only supposed to have the triplets...Erin, I love you, I love the kids and that's all I care about."

Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "How about I just stop taking tests every time we have sex? That might be helpful." I laughed and agreed with her when she said that. "I am sorry to say but, I think that is true. Erin, you need to relax with that okay?" Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. "We will leave it up to faith...because right now, I love the family we have." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. Leaning down, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly. Taking it slow with her, I couldn't help but smile because this was exactly what we need.

Pulling away, Erin went to cuddle up to me and just smiled because this was exactly what we need right now. Going to kiss her forehead, I smiled as I went to rub Erin's back while we held each other close. "I love you." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I love you too. However, I think I am going to go back to the kids." I shook my head when she said that. "You are going to do no such thing. I am comfortable with my arm around you are staying right here Mrs. Halstead." Erin smiled when I said that and agreed with me, staying with me for now.

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