Chapter 1

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Matt's POV: Once I brought me and Gabby's breakfast close to us in bed, I smiled as I went to go grab the bottle I had on my side table for Matteo. "Morning Matteo, you ready for your bottle of milk?" Moving to give him the bottle, I smiled as he started to drink his milk while I held him in my arms along with his blanket. Moving his blanket on top of him, I just smiled while looking at him. That's when I felt Gabby tug the covers up while she fed Noah. "You cold?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that and just smiled. "I have to get use of the change of temperature here."

I nodded and just smiled when she said that. "Hey, at least we are home." Going to grab the food, I went to move it in between the both of us. Grabbing my fork, I went to take a bite and just smiled at my mom. "Okay, who got this recipe from Cindy?" My mom laughed when she said that. "Your friends dropped off some food. There was a note on there that said it was your favorite at the hospital. I decided to just give it to you guys." I smiled and agreed with my mom when she said that. That's when I turned to look at Gabby and she just smiled at me.

"We are not talking to anybody today. I want to have time alone with us and the kids. After breakfast, I may even want to take a bath with you." I smiled when she said that and just agreed with her because that sounded perfect. Going to grab some more food, I heard my mom talk to us. "Let me guess, you guys are going to take advantage of the fact that you guys are home now?" Turning to look at her, I was just appalled. "MOM! You do not get to ask me that. How dare you ask about me and my WIFE's sex life!" My mom just laughed when I said that. 

"Let me remind you that I am helping you take care of the house and stuff." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before looking down at Matteo. Going to kiss his forehead, I just smiled as he fed that morning. "Yes, you like feeding from the bottle don't you buddy?" Matteo just laid there in my arms as he ate breakfast. Meanwhile, Gabby turned her head and smiled at me as she went to take a bite of the food my mom made for us. "God, this I perfect. Can you guys keep making us breakfast as long as you live here?" My mom laughed when Gabby said that.

"Whatever you guys need, I am here for you guys." I smiled and just agreed with her when she said that. "Uhm, I will probably come downstairs and get our own food." My mom shook her head. "No, you guys just enjoy your bed. You guys let us take care of that. You concentrate on Gabby and your kids." I smiled when she said that, agreeing with her as I proceeded to take a bite of my food once again. "If anybody comes to the door...tell them that we are not having visitors for a few days. This is our first full day at home since we got back from the hospital."

My mom nodded and smiled when I said that. "Of course Matt." Going to look at Gabby as she fed Noah, I smiled at the sight of her not wearing a bra. Sure, it might not be appropriate since our moms are here with us is in a way because of the fact that she is feeding Noah. That's when I felt Gabby go and grab a blanket, deciding to cover herself up. "Aw, I was enjoying the view." Turning her head when I said that, she went to put her hand on my cheek and just smiled at me. "I know you were but...I am not going to make our moms see this while we are eating."

My mom then went to speak to Gabby to let her know that it was okay. "Honestly Gabby, it's fine. You need to feed the quads...and if that includes you breastfeeding one of the quads, then you do that and don't hide. Anyways, I always found it amazing that us moms can provide food for our newborns." I went to grab Gabby's hand when my mom said that before smiling at Gabby. "I couldn't agree more. What your body can do for our kids Gabby is just something magical." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Letting go of my hand, she went to eat.

"Just to let you know mom, once you have both fed the can just put them in their cribs. Our doctors said that they are just going to sleep all day. They are basically to be treated as newborns." Our moms nodded and agreed with her. "Because of how early they were born?" Gabby nodded when her mom asked her that. "Yes, they only let us leave when the 9 months was almost up. I forget if it was when it was up or shortly before." I shook my head. "Your 9 months would be up in September. Our kids just were really good for their age." Gabby smiled.

"Yes. And I am so glad that we were able to come home. Nothing compares to our bed." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "No, nothing does." Gabby just smiled at me when I said that before going to put her hand on my neck. Moving to stroke my cheek, she brought my lips to hers and then gave me a kiss. "I love you." I smiled and agreed with Gabby when she said that. "I love you too." Gabby just smiled when I said that before turning her attention back to Noah as she breastfed him that morning. Doing the same with Matteo, I smiled as I bottle fed him.

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