Chapter 35

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Jay's POV: Once Maggie finished bringing the blanket into our room, I smiled as I went to give her Roxy's leach and grabbed the blanket from her. "Go to the washroom okay girl. Then you can come back here." Roxy nodded and then went to leave with Maggie. "Thanks again Maggie." Maggie nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "No problem, be back soon." Maggie then went to lead Roxy out of our room while I walked back over to Erin in bed. Going to open the covers we already had on there, I proceeded to unfold the other blanket we just got from Maggie.

Setting up to blanket on top of me and Erin, I went to slip down into our bed more while tugging the covers up. Feeling Erin's head on my shoulder, I watched as she went to put her hand on my chest and just smiled at her. "You comfortable here?" Erin nodded when I asked her that and just smiled. "Yes, I am very comfortable. I am just glad that things went well in my surgery." I agreed with her when she said that before going to kiss her forehead softly. "Me too. I am just sorry that this was how you had to experience birth. I know we aren't having anymore kids." Erin agreed.

"For this to be the way you had to experience giving birth, that is just horrible." Erin agreed with me when I said that and just went to kiss my chest. "I am just glad you are taking time off to be with me." Going to push her chin up, I then went to whisper to her. "Erin, me taking time off to be with you and the kids...that was never a question okay?" Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that before just stroking my chest with her thumb. Going to grab her hand, I smiled at her since I was very comfortable with her. "What's going on through your mind right now?"

Erin sighed when I asked her that. "I am just worried that something else is going to go wrong." I shook my head when she said that. "Erin, things are going to go great. I promise." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Going to kiss her forehead, I just sighed because I knew how scared she was. "Erin, you are my wife okay? You need to talk to me. I am here for you. What's going on in your head?" Erin bit her lip and sighed. "What if we aren't as lucky as Matt and Gabby? She went through this...and their kids seem to be fine. What if our kids aren't?"

I shook my head. "Then we are going to deal with it. Erin, I know what it's like to deal with mental health. If that's what you are worried about...then we already know how to deal with it." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Do you think that the kids might have mental health defects?" I bit my lip when she asked me that because I didn't want to scare her...but at the same time, I didn't want to make her think that everything was going to be fine for sure. "Erin, I am not going to answer that question okay? I am not going to promise anything."

Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. That's when I got another text from Antonio.

'If you are struggling with this, give me a call. Diego was 7 weeks premature.' -Antonio

I looked at Erin when he sent that text before looking at her. "You want to talk to him?" Erin bit her lip and then shook her head. "Not yet. Right now, I want to take a nap if that's okay? I am tired and need to rest." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "You want me to stay awake so that I can listen for the kids?" Erin nodded when I asker her that. "Can you? I know that I am probably overreacting but..." I shook my head when she asked me that before going to rub her back. I then proceeded to kiss her forehead and just smiled at her. "Erin, listen to me okay?"

Erin nodded as she looked up at me. "Erin, I am your husband and I love you. Whatever you need me to do...I am going to do it okay? You can rely on me." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that before going to kiss me softly. Taking it slow with her, I smiled as I went to tug the covers up and just looked at her. That's when I broke the kiss and just watched Erin lay her head down on my shoulder. "Are we both going to stay here in the hospital until they are released?" I turned my head when she asked me that before nodding. "Yes, I promise Erin." Erin agreed.

"I mean it Erin...there is nowhere I would rather be than here with the kids." Erin smiled when I said that before going to kiss me softly. Taking it slow with her, I smiled because I felt Erin relax in my arms. Feeling her move her hand to my chest, I went to put my hand on hers and just smiled because this was exactly what I wanted her to do. Whatever Erin needed me to do so that she can relax, I am going to let her relax. Moving to kiss my neck, Erin just smiled because she was turning me on. I laughed when she did that and smiled. "God, you are such a tease."

Erin laughed and smiled when I said that. "Look who's wearing tight shirts and everything for me!" I laughed and smiled at Erin when she said that. "I love you." Erin agreed with me and just went to kiss me softly. "I love you too. Now, let's relax okay?" Erin nodded and smiled as we both went to relax in each other's arms that morning.

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