Chapter 74

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Meanwhile, next door with Jay and Erin:
Jay's POV: As I come back upstairs after taking Champ out to the washroom and getting some breakfast for me and Erin, I smiled as I walked into the hotel room to see her sitting down in bed while talking to my brother on her iPad. He and Natalie were currently at our place watching our triplets for us after going to the event last night. And honestly, we had an amazing night. It was great to get away, just the two us. But when we get home, we need to pack a little more since we are moving to Puerto Rico in the New Year after I go to Springfield. (Still hate the idea).

Looking at Champ, I smiled as I pointed him towards his food bowl. "Go eat buddy. I am good now." He agreed with me and smiled as he went to walk away to go eat. Meanwhile, I went to take off my jacket and walked over to me and Erin's bed. "Morning Will." Will then looked at me and smiled. "Hey man, where were you?" I just laughed. "May I remind you that Champ can't go to the washroom indoors like us." Erin turned to look at me and smiled as I went to put my hand on her stomach. She loved it when I did that even when she wasn't pregnant anymore.

"Right, forgot. By the way, what's with the bags that are already packed in your room? I thought that you weren't moving until the New Year." I nodded and sighed. "That is for Springfield. I am going there for the electoral college stuff. You know what I am talking about right?" Will nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Yeah, and Erin is going with you. Natalie already agreed we would help watch the kids when we are off shift and Hank is busy." Erin smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "I hope that's still going to be the plan. I want to go."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "But listen, this one here still needs to get dressed so that we can come home to you guys. How were the kids last night?" Will laughed when I asked him that. "They were much more behaved than Owen would normally be. Sorry Natalie had to leave. She had to bring Owen to church to see his grandmother." I agreed with him when he said that. "Hey, by the way...have you decided what you are doing for Christmas yet? We were thinking of doing it at our place." Will smiled and agreed with me.

"How about we talk about it when you guys get here?" I laughed and smiled. "Of course. Talk to you soon man. The kids still asleep?" Will agreed with me. "Yeah, come please? I need help with the diapers. It took me a while last night." I agreed with him and nodded. "Sure thing. However, Hank will be there in an hour. We do Sunday Brunch. He loves his grandkids." Will smiled and agreed with me. "Of course man, mind if I join? I would like to spend as much time as possible with my nieces and nephew before you guys move down to Puerto Rico."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Of course man. See you soon okay?" Will nodded and agreed before going to hang up. Rolling over, Erin just looked at me and smiled as she went to put her hand on my neck. Moving close to her, I went to kiss her softly. "I love you and I loved last night." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "We aren't crazy for wanting another baby are we?" I shook my head. "Erin, if anybody's's our neighbors. Remember, she's pregnant with their 5TH CHILD! That is just crazy." Erin smiled and agreed with me, kissing me softly.

"Listen, I want to head home. I wouldn't mind spending a bit of time with Will. I want to talk to him about the whole moving to Puerto Rico stuff." Erin sighed when I said that. "Do you think that he's not in favor of this?" I shrugged when she asked me that. "Honestly, I am not sure. I just want to talk to him about it. You know, just clear the air and make sure that he knows why we are moving." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. Going to give me a quick kiss, she smiled at me. "Listen, think you can pack up the room and I can go take a shower?"

I agreed with her. "Your dress, in your duffle bag or the dress bag we brought?" Erin bit her lip when I asked her that. "Can you put it in the dress bag? It's clean still." I nodded and agreed with her. "Of course Erin, you just go take a shower and I will pack up the room." Erin smiled and agreed with me. "Listen, I just want to say this though...I am so glad that we went out last night. We need to do that more. Maybe we can find a babysitter in Puerto Rico when we move down there? Don't even think of Matt and Gabby, they are having a 5th child together."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Just go shower okay? I will get everything ready for us to leave. We are going to eat at home right?" Erin nodded and agreed with me when I asked her that. "Yes, yes we are. Hank is coming over remember?" I nodded and agreed with her. "And you might want to get in the shower so he doesn't beat us." Erin laughed and agreed with me, finally getting up before walking away to go take a shower. Meanwhile, I started to walk around the room so that I could make sure that we had everything before we checked out and headed home that morning.

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