Chapter 94

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Matt's POV: As I stand in the washroom shortly after running the bath, I smiled as I went to shave a bit. Gabby always did like it when I was clean shaven so...that was what she was going to get. I made sure to get every single last spot on my face since I tend to grow a beard when I don't shave for a while. Turning to check on the bath, I made sure that it didn't start spilling over onto the floor since I didn't want the floor to get wet. That's when I heard Gabby come into the washroom wearing her bathrobe and carrying her towel. "The bath looks nice." Turning to look at her, I just smiled. "And this sight looks nice." Going back to shaving, I smiled at Gabby as I went to make sure that it was just like she preferred. That's when I felt Gabby walk over to me.

"Here, you missed a spot." I went to give her my razor and just smiled as she set her towel down on the counter before going to watch her shave the spot I missed. Once that was done, I looked at Gabby and smiled at her because she looked amazing in her robe. Finishing up with my razor, Gabby went to set it down before going to rub my chest. She then went to lean up and just smiled as she went to kiss me softly. "I love you." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "I love you too." Going to wrap my arms around her, I smiled while kissing her again. Taking it slow with her, I just smiled because she was so sexy when she was wearing a bathrobe. After spending a little time kissing her, I smiled as I pulled away before looking at the bath. 

"Let me just check on it and I'll see whether it's ready for us." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Going to check the water while sitting on the edge of the bath, I smiled when it was ready. However, the reason for me smiling was more about the fact that Gabby was cuddling up to me rather than the fact that the bath was ready. Looking up at Gabby, I smiled at her before watching her lean down to kiss me softly. "I just want to relax here. We have time. I want a massage and you to just wash me." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "That sounds perfect. Now, let's get in the bath. I'll get in first." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Getting up, I went to set it down on the counter before looking at Gabby.

Gabby always seemed to love it when I was naked and I made sure that she watched me walk over to the bath. Once I was at the bath, I proceeded to step in and just smiled because Gabby was now getting ready to get into the bath with me. Taking off her bathrobe, she went to put it on the counter next to my towel before walking over to the bath. Stepping in with me, she smiled as she sat down in bet my legs and then proceeded to cuddle up to me. Wrapping her arms around my torso, I smiled when I did the same before going to kiss the top of her head. "God, this is the life. I am so glad that we are doing this babe." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Oh definitely." Gabby just smirked and smiled as she stroke my chest.

Wrapping my arm around her back, I went to kiss the top of her head and just smiled because this was perfect

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Wrapping my arm around her back, I went to kiss the top of her head and just smiled because this was perfect. Moving up my chest, Gabby then went to rub my face and just looked at my job shaving. "You did a good job shaving." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that before feeling her kiss my chest. Moving to rub her back, I smiled as Gabby just kissed my chest. "God, you really know how to please a man." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that before moving to lean over me. Putting her hand on the top of my chest, Gabby smiled as she wrapped her arm around my head and then looked down into my eyes. "Sleep good?" I nodded when Gabby asked me that and just smiled as I went to kiss her softly. "I slept amazing."

Gabby smirked when I said that. "Oh did you now? I wonder why..." Wrapping my arms around her, I proceeded to grab some soap before starting to wash her body. Rolling over onto my chest more, Gabby wrapped her arms around my torso while I went to grab some more soap. Starting to wash her back, I smiled as we just held each other close in the bath. "You comfortable?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "You are probably more comfortable than I am right now." Looking down at her, I was confused. "Oh, why would you say that?" Gabby smirked as she looked down at my chest. "Last time I checked, my boobs were against your shirtless chest." I smirked when she said that before feeling Gabby roll over onto her side. "Sorry comfortable."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. Moving one of her arms back to my front, I went to kiss Gabby's forehead before grabbing her hand. Moving to intertwine our fingers, I smiled at Gabby while moving my legs out of the water. Gabby just smiled when I did that and went to stroke my hand with her thumb. "So, how are you feeling right now? You doing better here in Puerto Rico? I know we have been here almost a year but.." Gabby nodded when I asked her that. Moving my arm around my back, I smiled at Gabby and went to kiss her forehead softly. "Matt, you have no idea how much better I feel here. I know you see the difference." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. Going to kiss her forehead again, I rubbed her back.

"So listen, Friday I want to go out to supper together okay? We are doing the vaccine clinic and then we can just lie as to how long it is." Gabby shook her head when I said that. "I already told my mom that I was going to head to the Firehouse after my shift if you weren't there." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "So, she already has her schedule set up so that she can watch the kids for the clinic shift and then a meal. Bring a change of clothes though. I want to have a real date. Sorry but, you are not just wearing sweats." I laughed and agreed with her when she said that before stroking her hand with mine. "Listen, how about we just relax and take some breaths okay? We have today to ourselves and we can just relax together."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "You want to stay here or do you want to go out?" I laughed when she asked me that. "Oh no, we are going out. I am taking you to the beach remember?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, just cuddling up to me more as I went to kiss the top of her head. Kissing my chest, Gabby smiled because we were having a great time here in the bath. This was exactly what we need right now. Just time to ourselves. "Can you start giving me that massage you promised me now?" I nodded and agreed with her when she asked me that, going to give her the massage just like I promised her.  "We have to do groceries too. I need my snacks." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "Okay."

Smiling, I moved to kiss Gabby's forehead again. Moving to run my fingers through her hair, I smiled as we just relax together in the bath that morning because this was exactly what I wanted to be doing right now.

NOTE TO READERS: I am going to give you my first Linstead update next chapter. Please remember that this is a joint-Dawsey/Linstead Story. I am going to stick with them for a while because I have an idea for a storyline.

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