Chapter 36

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Meanwhile, back with the Caseys, as Matt sits in the basement:
Matt's POV: As I sit in the basement of me and Gabby's place while her and the kids take a nap, I smile as I talk to Boden over the phone. "Did you have to do all of this when you first became a Battalion Chief Boden?" Boden just laughed as I went to write down the first four courses that he wants me to take for my training to become a certified Battalion Chief. "Don't complain Matt, you get to do it over the internet. I had to do it at the Academy over a period of 2 weeks. You get to do them over 4 months. And you are positive that January is a good time for you to start?"

I agreed with him when he asked me that. "The kids will be 7 months by the, so I think that I am going to be good. Just curious, are you just going to hand me the reigns of the Battalion or..." Boden laughed when I asked him that. "Oh no, I am going to be there for you Matt. I asked Walker to give me oversight of the 25th Battalion. I mean..." I then sighed. "I know Chief, you take control of the scene when you are there because you are the District Chief. I just control my Battalion while you control the entire scene. Remember, I have almost 18 years under my belt."

Boden laughed when I said that. "Yeah, you and Severide were my first candidates after I became Battalion Chief. Interesting that you are following in my footsteps." I agreed with him. "By the way, were you the one who put Severide up for the promotion to be captain?" Boden agreed. "Yes, it was time he was made one. Also, I knew that you wanted him to take over at Firehouse 51." I agreed with him when he said that. "I might still base myself out of there if possible. I know the people there. Of course, I will travel if required." Boden agreed with me.

I then decided to confirm some information on the courses. "Okay, so I just wrote down the courses that I need to complete over the next couple weeks through the academy. Can I just go over them with you to make sure I know I take the right ones?" Boden agreed. "Go ahead." I then went to go say them to him. "Staff Management for Battalion Chiefs, House Management for Battalion Chiefs, Fire Scene Management - Residential and FIre Scene Management - Industrial." Boden agreed with me. "Now, there also is a 5th course that I didn't know about including."

I was confused when he said that. "Chief, if there is another course I should take...then you need to tell me." Boden then sighed. "It depends whether Gabby is going back to the firehouse or not." I then went to stop him. "Oh, she's not going back to the firehouse. We had quads Chief." Chief laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "Right, that makes sense. Well then, I want you to take EMS Advanced for Battalion Chiefs, the 2020 Version in order to make sure that you know how to co-ordinate between Fire and EMS on a scene. I know you're married to Gabby...."

I then went to complete his thought. "It's different when you are the scene commander. You aren't on the front lines as much. You are standing back and controlling the scene." Boden agreed with me when I said that. "Exactly. You are going to be a natural Matt." I sighed and then went to go ask him a more personal question. "Maybe you can also teach me a lesson on how to balance the firehouse work and the family stuff. I mean, a Battalion Chief is a lot more work. What did you do right when Terrence was born that I can do when I am back at work?"

Boden laughed when I asked him that. "Believe me, it's different when they are young. Matt, I have no clue how it'll be for you considering you'll have been with your kids for 7 months straight by the time you are back at work." I agreed with him when he said that. "Maybe I should start sooner then. Or just do some shadowing so I can get some experience with the winter. I mean, I would rather not be thrown right into it if you know what i Mean." Chief agreed with me when I said that. "Yeah, that makes sense. I can try and find a date that might be quiet."

I laughed when he said that. "And I would be what...Deputy Battalion Chief?" Boden agreed with me when I asked him that. "I think that could work. Whenever you find yourself wanting to work...heck, even if it's just for an hour or during the day..." I thought about it and then sighed. "I would have to talk to Gabby about that. But, if the kids keep sleeping in the afternoon...then maybe I could sneak out for the afternoon while they take a nap. Either that or I can work day shifts. I know the kids are only 3 months old but...I am just worried about the money."

New Beginnings Season 2: Raising our Family (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now