Chapter 57

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Matt's POV:
After spending a bit more time at the fire, I felt glad that I was back at the firehouse where we could be safe. Seeing Antonio's car outside the firehouse, I was glad to see that he was still out there rather than telling Gabby. Leaning back in my seat, I saw that Boden was still in there with me. "You want me to stay here for a minute?" I nodded and just felt horrible. "The FIRST HOUR of my FIRST DAY as Chief! I can't get ONE FUCKIN' DAY before getting my first threat. Oh and even worse, my wife is pregnant for the first time without an aneurysm!"

Boden agreed with me when I said that. He then went to rub my back and sighed. "You want to..." I shook my head. "I am not letting this guy force me home. He wants us dead, I am going down with the ship." Boden shook his head and looked at me. "Matt, take a breath and remember that you need to stay calm for Gabby." I just sighed when he said that. "I am going to get out. Boden, you are interim Chief until I am done talking with Gabby and Antonio." Boden nodded when I said that. "Of course Matt. Go be with your family." I agreed with him.

Going to get out of the car, I proceeded to make my way into the firehouse so that I could go talk with Gabby and Antonio. I just pray to god that he hasn't started talking to her. Seeing everybody come out, I just looked at Boden. Taking a breath, I just sighed and then went to walk inside the firehouse so that I could go talk to Gabby. Nothing like having to tell my wife that I am under threat just hours into my first shift as Battalion Chief. That's when I saw people talking to Gabby about how I did at my first fire and how the police briefed us...including Severide.

"Captain Severide!" Severide then turned to look at me, scared. "Gabby, go to our room and stay there with the kids." Gabby just looked at me. "Matt..." I then went to look at her. "Gabby! Our room, now! I do not need you in this room, getting stressed" Gabby just looked at me. "Can you..." I just stared at her. "Gabby, our! Babe, you don't want to be here when I do this." Gabby then started to realize what I was going to do and just walked over to me. She then went to put her hand on my chest and went to kiss me softly. I then sighed.

"Gabby, I am just thinking of you and your health. Gabby, you know it'll kill me if I yell too much and something happens to the baby." Gabby nodded when I said. Wrapping my arms around her, I just held her close and sighed. "Get Antonio, go to the back with the kids okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that. I then turned to look at Antonio. "You do not say ANYTHING until I am in the room with you. Is that understood Antonio? Remember, I have the right to request a change in our detail." Antonio gulped and agreed with me because he knew that was true.

Leading Gabby away, Antonio went to take her back to our room so that she can relax. Meanwhile, I walked up to Severide and just looked at him. "Can I ask you what you relationship is to Gabby?" Severide looked at me when I said that. "Man, she's my friend..." I just stared at her. "And she is MY wife and the mother of MY children. You think I want you to tell her about this? Dude, what if you and Stella had 4 kids together....what if they were here, and at risk? How would YOU feel right now if I was the one that told Stella about the risk instead of you."

Severide gulped when I said that because I just made it personal for him. "I would be mad." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "Well, it is personal man. You think I want this? My KIDS and WIFE are here. You think this is easy on me? You think I want to yell at you right now? I need your help! I need you to be my right hand man right now. Severide, you do not undermine me again. Is that understood CAPTAIN?" I made sure to remind him of his rank while taking a breath to calm down. Severide just agreed with me while I took a breath.

I then turned to look at everybody and bit my lip. "Okay, everybody sit down in the common room. I am laying out some new ground rules." Everybody just nodded and agreed with me. I then looked at Boden. "Same goes for you Boden. You might be my boss but...I am responsible here. If something happens here, I'm the one who has to deliver the bad news to Donna. So these rules apply just as much to you as it does to everybody." Boden gulped and agreed with me. "Sorry for yelling at you but..." Boden just agreed. "No, you are right Matt." I then sighed.

Watching everybody sit down, I took a breath. "Effective immediately, we are under a buddy system. You need to go to the washroom? You go with a buddy. You need to sleep? You sleep with a buddy who stays awake. The exception are officers. If you are in your offices, your doors are locked. The apparatus floor is off limits unless we get a call. The doors are to stay locked. Are we understood?" Boden just looked at me when I said that. "Yes Matt, that makes sense and is the right call." I agreed when he said that. "Boden, you're in charge unless I'm out here."

Boden nodded when I said that. "Go be with Gabby, I know that you need to be there right now." I nodded and agreed with him. "Exactly why you are in charge. And one last thing...I want you all to provide me with an emergency contact. Boden, get a pad of paper...everybody has to sign a name and a phone number for me to call in case of emergencies. Stella, Kelly, Boden, Hermann and are exempt as I already know your emergency contacts. And Sylvie, your emergency contact is not Lt. Grainger. You put Chief Patterson instead. Boden, inform HQ?"

Boden nodded and agreed with me. "How about today you practice the report software? Everybody grab your electronics and go through the tutorials once again. Boden, give them scenarios. I am sorry if that is all I can think of right now. And I am sorry this took place on my first day." Boden shook his head. "It's not your fault. Go relax with Gabby." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that, ready to go relax with Gabby since I knew that she was worried right now. Taking a breath, I sighed and just went to walk over to my office/bedroom.

Boden's POV:
As I watched Matt walk away, I could tell that he was worried. Looking at the rest of the firehouse, I just sighed. "Everybody, you heard the Chief. He is doing the right move and I agree. Honestly, I am surprised that he thought about that on the spot." Hermann laughed when I said that. "Just proves that you and the Commissioner made the right choice for Battalion Chief." I agreed with my old friend and smiled. "Yes. Now, we need to listen to him. I have to make a call to HQ. Do as you are told." Everybody nodded and agreed with me, doing as they were told.

Just taking a breath, I couldn't help but feel bad for Matt and Gabby. This should be an easy and happy time for them considering they are expecting another child. He just needs to relax. "Also, let's get some lunch going for them okay?" Everybody nodded and agreed with me. Getting up, I proceeded to walk towards the kitchen so that I could make Matt and Gabby some lunch.

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