Chapter 4

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Gabby's POV:
When my mom said that there was a package at the door, I was a little confused since we didn't order anything. "Uhm, we didn't order anything? At least I didn't." Matt shook his head when I asked him that. "Yeah, same here." My mom then went to go check where it was from. "Oh, it's from Puerto Rico." I then realized what it was. "Oh, I was waiting for that. It's stuff that my friends from down there sent us as a congrats for the kids." Matt nodded and smiled when I said that. "Can you bring it over to the bed Camila?" My mom nodded and smiled at me.

"Here, how about I grab those plates while I am on my way down?" I nodded and agreed with her while going to give her my plate. Matt then went to do the same and just smiled. "Thanks Camila. Uhm, I will come downstairs later to get something for lunch." My mom then went to shake her head. "Nope, I am making you one of my recipes. Do you remember the one I made for you guys when you came over for supper....the weekend after you got married the first time?" Matt smirked when she said that. "Yes please, that sounds delicious. Please make extra."

My mom laughed and agreed with him. "Sure thing Matt." He nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Talk later." Leaving our room, my mom proceeded to go upstairs to her room while I went to go open the box that my mom brought us. Going to open it, I saw that we got a bunch of homemade clothes. "Oh god, I seriously have to call my friends down there. You remember that mother figure I had down there? I forget her name but you know who I am talking about." Matt nodded when I said that. "Yeah, I think so. Maria or Galleria."

I nodded and smiled at him. "I know, I forget her name too but...whatever. Yeah, she made us some of these. Look at this one." I then went to take out one with the Puerto Rico flag. Matt just laughed when I said that and smiled at me. "God, that is adorable." I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, we are going to have to go there on our honeymoon next year." Matt turned to look at me when I said that. "What?" I just laughed. "Yeah, you owe me a have owed me a honeymoon for almost 4 years now since we first got married." Matt nodded and smiled at me.

My mom then came to sit down and just went to grab some more of the clothes out of the box. Looking at them all, she thought they were adorable. "I am guessing that she saw you as a surrogate daughter Gabby?" I bit my lip when my mom asked me that. "Mom, you were here in Chicago." My mom nodded and smiled at me. "Gabby, it's okay. I understand okay." I sighed and just agreed with me. "Mom, you would tell me if you didn't understand right?" My mom smiled at me. "Gabby, it's okay." I nodded and smiled when my mom said that before opening the box.

Seeing some postcards, I smiled when I saw they were from my team down there. "Aw, a bunch of cute notes from my team down there." Matt nodded and smiled as he wrapped his arm around me. He then went to read some of them and just sighed. "Still have to learn spanish for when we go to Puerto Rico someday." I turned to look at him when he said that. "What?" Matt just smiled at me. "Like you aren't going to want to introduce the quads to your friends someday." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that, going to kiss him softly.

Matt smiled as he started to take it slow with me. However, he pulled away shortly after since my mom was there. "Uhm mom, we can go through the box alone if that's okay?" My mom laughed when I said that. "I already know what you really want to do Gabby and I understand. I will be back later." I nodded and agreed with my mom when she said that before going to look at the box again. Once she was gone (and the door to our room was closed), I turned to look at Matt and went to push him. "You are ridiculous. You are going to need to calm down mister."

Moving to kiss me, Matt just smiled as we held each other close until we heard a dog bark outside. And unfortunately, the dog's bark was quite loud. Looking at Matt, I was confused. "I thought we weren't allowed to have dogs in this neighborhood?" Going to get up, Matt went to walk over to the window. "It's Jay and he has a dog now?" I looked at him when he said that. "Maybe it's a police dog." Matt turned to look at me when I said that. "He's on leave he said. I am going to ask him to keep him quiet and see what's up with him having a dog."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Call him, you are not leaving our bed. I am comfortable." Matt laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "How about you keep going through the box?" Reaching over to grab his phone, Matt then went to find Jay's contact so that he could give him a call. Meanwhile, I proceeded to continue looking through the box of stuff that my friends sent me. That's when I heard Matt start speaking to Jay.

Matt's POV:
Once Jay answered the call, I smiled as I went to speak to him. "Hey Jay." Jay then went to lay. "I love it when people say that. Always makes me laugh. But, what can I do for you neighbor?" I then sighed. "Can you keep the noise down? Maybe ask your friend to..." Jay then went to tell me about a change he and Erin just made. "Actually, the dog you just heard barking was my dog. Uhm, my PTSD has been acting up so...I applied and got an emotional support dog. I hope I didn't wake up the quadruplets." I sighed when he said that. "Of course not. Carry on Jay."

"Thanks, tell Gabby that I'm sorry for me." I agreed and just sighed as I went to hang up. However, Gabby turned to look at me and I could tell she was not pleased. "Uhm, what happened to tell him to keep his friends' dog qui..." I then went to explain it to her. "He's giving his dog that he got for his PTSD a bit of exercise in their backyard." Looking at me when I told her what Jay was doing, Gabby just nodded. "Okay." I nodded and smiled when she said that before going to set my phone down on my charger. Slipping close to her, I went to wrap my arm around her.

"You aren't mad that I gave in to him?" Gabby shook her head as she leaned against me and just grabbed my hand. "Hey, of course not." Turning her head, she smiled at me and then went to kiss me softly. "You did the right thing Matt. If his dog is going to help him with his PTSD...then we need to let him be." I nodded and agreed with him. "At least when it comes to him. Complain all you want with me. Means I get to cuddle up to you in bed more." Moving to kiss her shoulder, I smirked as I then went to kiss her neck softly. Moaning, Gabby just smiled when I did that.

She then proceeded to turn her head and smiled as she started to kiss me slowly, putting her hand on my cheek. "Calm down for now and let's go through the mail okay? Once we finish going through this, we'll see if you get a bit of action from me." I nodded when she said that and just smiled as I bent down to kiss her neck and shoulder again. Gabby just smiled as I did and that was obviously quite turned on because she didn't stop me from doing it...rather, she let me do it while we looked at what her friends sent us from Puerto Rico.

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