Chapter 78

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Jay's POV: After making my way upstairs to me and Erin's bedroom, I just took a breath and sighed because I was in disbelief as to what I just read on my phone. Heck, I even looked over it again while I was sitting here in bed and it didn't make sense to me. I mean, I get that I'm not from Puerto Rico. If that was the reason for me to be denied...then I would understand. But for them to use my PTSD as the reason for denying my transfer...that is something that is hard to swallow. Sitting there, I just read over the e-mail one last time when I heard Erin at the door.

Looking at me, Erin just watched as I went to rub Roxy's ear. That's when I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard Erin. "You okay?" Turning to look at her, I sighed because the truth was that I wasn't. My entire plan for Puerto Rico and providing for our family has just gone down the drain. "Come here." Erin just knew that this was not good news based on the tone of my voice. Walking over to our bed, Erin looked at Roxy. "Roxy, move over girl...I am going to sit close to Jay." Roxy agreed with her and then went to move away from me a little bit.

Getting on our bed, Erin came to crawl over to me and smiled as she sat down next to me. "You want to talk to me about why you are up here?" I sighed as I felt Erin slip her legs in between mine. Putting my hand on her hip, I looked into her eyes. "I just heard back from the Puerto Rico National Guard." Erin looked at me when I said that. "When do they want you to start?" I then teared up as I went to grab her hand. "They rejected my transfer request." Erin looked into my eyes when I said that and I could just tell that she felt horrible. Grabbing my neck, she sighed.

Going to grab her hand, I just held her close and rubbed it. "Did they give a reason for not approving you transfer?" I nodded when she asked me that. "Do you want to tell me the reason?" I sighed when she asked me that before going to whisper it. "My PTSD." Erin just looked at me when I said that, having heard me. "What?" I nodded and teared up a bit and as I felt her wrap her arms around my waist. Putting my hand on her arm, I went to stroke it with my thumb and just turned my head to look down at her. "So, due to my PTSD...I can't support our family."

Erin sighed when I said that and just stared into my eyes. "Jay, I am so sorry. This is so wrong. They shouldn't be able to do this to you after all you have done for our country." I nodded and agreed with Erin when she said that before going to push a strand of hair behind her ear. Holding her close to me, I went to kiss her slowly and just sighed because this wasn't fair. I should be able to provide for my family without any issues. Concentrating on her, I went to grab her neck and just sighed. :"Erin, I am so sorry." Erin looked at me when I said that. "Why are you sorry?"

I sighed and bit my lip. "Erin, I am not going to provide for our family because of this." Erin shook my head. "Jay, if they don't want you...then screw them. You are one of the best cops I have ever met. If they don't want you, then it's their loss." I nodded and agreed with Erin when she said that, going to lean my forehead against hers as we held each other close. "I mean it Jay okay? You do not get to blame yourself for this." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. I then went to go kiss her softly. "Maybe Hank can call them for you?" I laughed and agreed.

"Maybe he could. But I don't want to work somewhere I am not wanted." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. I then decided to roll over on top of her. Smiling, I bent down and then went to kiss her softly. "Maybe we can set up our own private investigators' firm down there or something. If only Antonio was coming, then we could get the hispanic population." Erin smiled when I asked her that. "Or we just learn spanish." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "That sounds easier." Erin smiled before going to push me away. "You want to tell them?"

I sighed when Erin asked me that. "I don't think I have a choice but to tell me brother considering that means we may need to live with them until I get a job." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "That might not be as bad as you think. We can learn Spanish together." I nodded and agreed with Erin when she said that because that was the case. We did both have to learn Spanish to survive down there. "I should ask Matt what program he is using to learn Spanish. Either that or I ask Gabby for lessons." Erin laughed and agreed with me.

"We will talk about that. But right now, how about we do some of those breathing exercises? You need to relax okay?" I nodded and agreed with her before going to rub Roxy's head. Looking into Erin's eyes as I went to grab her hand, I just smiled at her while going to kiss her softly.  "I love you and I am so glad that you are in this with me." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "And I always will be Jay. We can get through these hard times because we are going to get through them together." I smiled and agreed with Erin when she said that, knowing it was true.

"And we will get through this one together. I promise, right when we get down there...I am going to find a job. We'll have savings because of how much this place costs compared to how much a place down there costs." Erin smiled and agreed with me. "Yes, and we also have my dad to support us. We both know that he will send us money if we need some?" That's when I heard Hank come upstairs. "Why would I have to send you guys money?" I sighed when he asked me that. "My transfer to the Puerto Rico National Guard just got denied due to me having PTSD."

Hank looked at me when I said that and I could see it on his face, he felt horrible. "God, I am so sorry Jay. Do you want me to do anything?" Erin sighed and then turned to look at me. "Jay, we need to figure this out. I am not sure if you like the idea but...there's always the FBI." I bit my lip when she said that. "Maybe I can just work for the local police. Anyways, I don't really need federal bureaucracy from Puerto Rico." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Listen, you sure that you want to be with family today? Or do you want it to just be us?"

I looked at Erin when she asked me that. "You mean us and the kids right?" Erin nodded when I asked her that. "Of course Jay." I smiled when she asked me that. "Honestly, I am not sure what I want. I love the idea of cuddling up to the kids and just relaxing here together as a family. But, I also want to let you be with Hank as much as possible before we leave." Erin shook her head when I said that. "Jay, think of what you want right now. You just got bad news that is not really something that you are happy about...and don't lie that you are happy about it." I nodded.

 Smiling at Erin, I went to put my hand on hers and smiled at her. "How about we at least have breakfast with Hank, Will and Natalie? Then we can figure out what we are going to do okay? We can't do anything until we have breakfast. Let's just start with that okay?" Erin nodded and agreed with me. "Hank, you already feed the kids this morning? Or was it Will and Natalie?" Hank nodded when Erin asked him that. "Will and Natalie were feeding them went I got here so, they have been fed already." Erin smiled and agreed with him when he said that.

Turning her head to look at me, Erin just smiled. "Ready to go downstairs and we can have breakfast as a family? Maybe then we can come up here and cuddle up to the kids?" I nodded and agreed with Erin when she said that. "Honestly, that woulds perfect." Erin smiled and agreed with me, going to kiss me softly. "Then that is what we will do okay Jay?" I smiled and agreed with her when she said that, moving to get up so that we could go downstairs, have breakfast. And after that...we would come back up here and just cuddle up to each other.

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