Chapter 8

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Matt's POV: Once we finished feeding the kids that morning, I smiled as I got dressed in the bedroom before putting the ring that I custom made for Gabby in my pant pockets. God, she is going to love it. Getting up from the bed once it was in my pocket, I proceeded to make my way into the bathroom where Gabby was currently getting dressed. Walking in, I saw her looking at her stomach and just smiled because she was thin. Walking up behind her, I just smiled as I went to put my hand on her hip and then moved to lean down and kiss her neck. "God, you are so sexy." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. Turning around to look at me, Gabby just smiled as I stepped close to her. Wrapping her arms around my neck, Gabby just smiled at me as I went to grab her back. "I am so glad we are going out together."

I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "I am so thankful that our moms are letting us go out on this date." That's when I heard Antonio at the door. "Oh, they are not the ones watching the and your sister are the ones that are going to be watching the kids." Pulling away from Gabby, I was shocked when he said that. "You are?" He nodded and smiled. "I called dibs on babysitting my nieces and nephews together for the first time." I laughed and agreed with him before going to shake his hand. That's when I saw my sister with the quadruplets. "How about you talk to Antonio for a minute? I want to talk to my sister."

Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that, going to talk to her brother. Walking over to my sister, I smiled at her. "Hey." Christie then turned to look at me and smiled. "God, I hate to say this because of what he did to you but...Matteo looks so much like you, but I see so much of dad in Noah." I nodded and agreed with her before going to wrap my arm around her. "Yeah, I see it too." Christie sighed when I said that. "How does that make you feel? Does it hurt?" I shook my head. "No, because I see the innocence in him. I swear, he is just so adorable and I am so lucky that I am his father." Christie smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Dream life?"

I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Oh definitely." That's when I heard Gabby come out of the washroom with Antonio. "And something else that makes this your dream life..." I turned to look at Gabby when she started that though. "Of course, my gorgeous wife." Walking over to Gabby, I smiled as I went to wrap my arms around her. Kissing her softly, I just smiled as we held each other close. "Listen, the kids will probably sleep for a while. You guys can just sit in bed with them. Meanwhile, I am going to be taking this beautiful wife of mine out on a date." Gabby blushed and smiled when I said that. "By the way, next weekend...double date okay? Our nieces babysit."

Antonio laughed when Gabby said that. "That sounds perfect honestly, I think we need to start doing that." I smiled and just nodded when he said that. "I am really glad we have all made up. This is exactly what I want in life." Gabby just smiled at me and then went to go rub my back. "Listen, let's get out of here. If we stay here any longer, then we are going to want to stay." I laughed and agreed with her when she said that, already knowing that was the case. "Thanks again guys. Call us if you need try not to call us. I want to enjoy my first proper date with Gabby in over 9 months!" Antonio smiled and agreed with Gabby. "Then get out of here."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that before smiling at me. Going to grab my hand, she intertwined our fingers and went to lead us out of our bedroom. "By the way, I think I might get a drink for the first time since we had the quads today." I was shocked when she said that. "Really?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "Hey, free beer!" I laughed and just smiled when she said that. "Okay then, let's get out of here and get to the bar. Heck, maybe some of our friends will be there and we can hang out with them." Gabby nodded and agreed with me before going to grab her phone. She then walked over to the quadruplets, taking a few pictures.

However, I was confused as to why she did that. "What's with the pictures?" Gabby laughed as she turned to look at me. "People are going to want updated pictures of the kids when we see them. Hermann, Kidd and Cruz are going to be there." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that, smiling as I went to put my hand out for her to grab. "Okay, now much as I love our kids, I think we have earned some time away from them. We need to go out on a real date and have some time with our friends hopefully." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Molly's is like 10 minutes away. Let's go there and be with our friends." I agreed with her.

"Bye guys." Antonio and Christie both smiled when we left. Holding Gabby's hand with our fingers intertwined, I just smiled because this is exactly what I wanted to be doing right now. "I hope you know that even though we just ate a snack...I am still going to be hungry." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Oh, I fully expect that you are going to be hungry. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers can eat!" Gabby just laughed and smiled as we made our way downstairs to the main floor. That's when I saw her mom. "So, Antonio called dibs?" Camila nodded and agreed with me. "Yeah. I will still be here though. They'll probably stay all day."

I nodded and agreed with Camila. "We can do supper tonight maybe?" Camila nodded and agreed with me while looking at Gabby. "Gabby, you look gorgeous for someone who recently gave birth to Quadruplets." Gabby smiled and blushed. "Thanks mom." She then went to hug her before smiling at me. "Let's get out of here Matt, I am ready to go have a bit of adult fun with our friends." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that. "See you later mom." Camila nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that. Meanwhile, me and Gabby walked out the front door and out to our van so that we could make our way to Molly's. "No work, just fun."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, ready to go out together. Going to open the front door for her, I smiled as I watched Gabby walk out to our van. Following closely behind her, I just smiled because this is exactly what I want to be doing right now...taking my girl out on a date.

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