Chapter 52

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Matt's POV: As I finish driving me, Gabby and the kids to the firehouse for my first shift as Battalion Chief, I take a breath and just took at Gabby. Going to grab her hand, I smiled at her and she could tell that I was nervous. "Hey, you know that you are going to do great right? Matt, you are born to do this. This is your destiny." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before smiling as I went to kiss her head. "Only because of you baby." Gabby smiled and nodded as she leaned over to go kiss me softly. "You call anybody to help bring the kids in?" I shook my head. "I didn't want to tell anybody that it's my first day. I want this to be a normal day." Gabby laughed when I said that. "Yeah, that isn't going to happen." I agreed with her and just smiled.

Going to get out of the van, I smiled as I went to go open the back door and just looked at Noah who was in his car seat. Smiling at him I went to rub his chest. "Hey buddy, you going to be a good boy for mommy today?" Bending down, I went to kiss his forehead and just smiled because of how adorable our kids where. Looking up at Gabby, I saw her smiling at me. "God, I love it when you interact with the kids like that." Going to continue walking over to the liftgate, I smiled as I went to get the stroller out before proceeding to open it. Once that was done, I got both of our duffle bags out of the bag and put them over my shoulder. That's when I heard Boden. "Need a hand there Matt?" I turned to look at him and laughed. "Thanks Boden."

Walking over to me, he smiled as he came to shake my hand. "I told the crew to gather in the conference room." I nodded and agreed with him before smiling. "Actually, I have an idea. So, I haven't told anybody that it's my first day...what if you start the meeting as Battalion Chief? Then I walk in and ask why you are doing the meeting with my men when I am Battalion Chief?" Gabby laughed when I said that. "That sounds perfect. We can set up our room after. But first, the stroller." I then went to go open it and just smiled when I saw Gabby carrying one of the girls to me. Once the stroller was open, Gabby went to set Emma down before smiling. "There we go. Boden, can you help us? Carry Matt's laptop and our bags. We have the kids." He agreed. 

"Just to let you know, I am going to be working here today. However, you should use your other office here. I am going to sit in the big office since I am more senior." I nodded and agreed with him. "Can I control the scenes though? You can just be my backup." Boden agreed with me when I said that. "Just to let you know, the WiFi has already been upgraded and the computers are installed." I smiled and agreed with him. "Perfect." I turned to look at Gabby and smiled at her. "We are just telling Boden right? Or are we going to tell the firehouse?" Gabby bit her lip. "Let me think about it and get the kids set up. Boden, can you just go distract people so that we can get in." He agreed and smiled, going to walk away. Meanwhile, I walked over to Gabby.

"Deep breaths okay babe? I am here for you. Boden knows that." Going to kiss her forehead, I just held her close because I knew that she was worried. "We are going to be fine okay Gabby?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Going to get Hannah from the van, I went to go carry her to the stroller before doing the same with the boys. "Can you push the stroller and I can carry the bags?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "You can give me the diaper bag though. Also, give me my breast pump." I agreed with her and did as I was told. Once that was done, I proceeded to just grab our overnight bags as well as my laptop for work. Putting them over my shoulders, I smiled at Gabby while double checking that we had everything.

"Let's go inside." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Walking into the house together, I looked at Noah who was just smiling at me. Making funny faces, I couldn't help but smile at our adorable kids. "I swear, we make adorable kids." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "I think you mean I make adorable kids. Last time I checked, I was the one who baked them." I laughed when she said that and smiled as I went to rub her back. "Make sure you take it easy okay babe?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. She then looked at the Firehouse and smiled as we went to walk up the driveway together. Since everybody was in the meeting room, nobody was going to see us until I surprised them.

"Gabby, you just set up our room okay? You take it easy and I will tell them you are here. Come out when you are ready okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Actually, I forgot something in the van. Give me a second?" Gabby turned to look at me while watching me run away. "What did you forget?" Going to open the liftgate again, I smiled as I went to go grab the cribs. Seeing them Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Thanks for remembering." Closing the liftgate, I smiled as I locked the van (again) before walking back over to Gabby. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled as we went to walk up the driveway together. "I promise, I am going to be doing this with you every 3rd day for the rest of my life." Gabby smiled and agreed with me.

Going into the firehouse, I was really excited about all this. "Uhm, you going to watch the meeting?" Gabby shook her head. "No, just drop our bags off in our room and then go to the meeting okay?" I nodded and agreed with Gabby as I went to put my hand on her butt. Going to squeeze it, I smirked when she jumped. "Be appropriate Chief." I nodded and agreed with her, going to kiss her cheek softly as we made our way into the firehouse for my first shift. Going to grab my mask from my pocket I went to put it on while also giving Gabby her mask. "Just to be safe." Gabby shook her head. "I trust the firehouse." I nodded and agreed with her, smiling as we made our way into the firehouse for my first shift.

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