Chapter 101

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Matt's POV: After making our way to the daycare so that we could pick up the kids, I smiled as I walked in with Gabby so that we could sign them out. God, I couldn't wait to see my girls. As much as I love all this nice alone time with was time to bring the kids home. And lucky for us, it was right before nap time. But tomorrow, tomorrow they stay with us at home. Nobody else is going to take care of them other than me and Gabby since we are both home tomorrow. It was only the day after that we were both working. However, even then we might bring them along and let them play with her friends' kids from the charity since they will be there too.

There's a couple with twin girls who are only 7 months older than the kids...and then there's this other couple who have a son who is a year older than our boys...and a daughter who is 2 months younger than the girls. So, they literally all have friends to play with at the charity. Looking at Gabby, she smiled at me. "How about you go find them? I will do the paperwork." I nodded and agreed with her. "You get their bags?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "Start with the girls." I smiled and agreed when I saw Emma (who has Anxiety, OCD and ADHD) looking a little nervous as she sat alone. "I think I am going to start with Emma. I'll get all the kids." Gabby nodded.

That's when the daycare worker, Anna Maria, spoke to us both. "I will get their bags Matt and Gabby. You just go get your kids." I nodded and smiled. "Gracias Anna." She nodded and agreed with me as I went to walk over to the girls, starting with Emma. Walking right over to her, I smiled as I went to bend down and rubbed her back. "Hey you." Emma then turned to look at me and just smiled as she came to hug me. "Papa." I smiled when she wrapped her little arms around me. Going to pick her up, I smiled as I held her close to me and then went to grab the back of her head. Kissing her head, I smiled and went to rub her back. "Papa missed you."

That's when I saw Hannah run over to me. She always watched Emma closely...especially when an adult was near her. It was this bond they have. It's so adorable. Feeling her at my feet, I went to bend down and smiled as I went to kiss her. "Hi baby girl. Sorry if Emma got to me first. You miss daddy?" Emma nodded when I asked her that and smiled at me. I then went to put my hand out and smiled as she grabbed it. The way she held my hand was adorable. "How about you help me find your brothers Emma?" Emma nodded as she came to lead me over to the boys. Meanwhile, I saw Gabby smiling at me. "Can you get the bags for me?" Gabby agreed with me, nodding.

Following Emma to the boys (who were also playing together), I smiled when I was back with all of my kids. "Hi Matteo and Noah." Noah then looked up at me and smiled. "Papa." I smiled when he said that before bending down (again) to go hug him. I always normally took care of him and Emma since they have both been diagnosed with Anxiety, OCD and ADHD. They are basically mirror images of each other when it came to how they acted. If Gabby didn't need to go through the stress, then I wasn't going to make her go through that. Holding them both in my arms, I smiled and went to kiss their foreheads. "How have you guys been? I missed you guys."

That's when I felt Gabby walk over to me. "I swear, this has to be the most adorable scene ever." Turning to look at her, I smiled at her. "I hope that isn't too many bags." Gabby shook her head. "I have one bag for the girls, one bag for the boys. I used duffle bags." I agreed with her. Gabby then smiled at Emma and Noah. "Hey cuties." She then went to go kiss their cheeks and smiled. I then looked at her. "You missed a cutie." Gabby laughed and smiled when I said that, going to kiss me softly. "I love you." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "I love you too. But let's save that for later. Let's get out of here okay?" Gabby smiled and agreed.

"Hey guys, you ready to come with mommy and daddy? We have missed you guys." All the kids nodded and agreed with her when she said that, obviously ready to get home with us. Going to grab Matteo and Hannah's hands. "Remember what the rule is. You hold on to mommy's hands." They both agreed when she said that and smiled as we prepared to walk out together as a family. "I am so glad that we are all back together now." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "This is perfect. Now listen, let's just get out of here so that we can go cuddle up in bed as a family. How does that sound guys?" All the kids smiled and agreed with us.

"YAY!" I nodded and just smiled because this sounds perfect. Us cuddling up to each other in bed is going to be perfect. I missed the kids and I am definitely ready to hold them together. I always loved it when we were in our bed. "I might even get undressed for mommy so that we are already ready for bed." Gabby laughed and smiled when I said that. "Yes, into our PJs for now." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "No boxers?" Gabby smirked and thought about it before shaking her head. "Later. Right now, we are going to cuddle as a family." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that, ready to go home with her and the kids.

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