Chapter 85

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A Couple Hours Later (4:30 PM) - Gaffney ED
Matt's POV: As me and Gabby sat in the waiting room at Gaffney, I couldn't help but feel nervous. While this wasn't my was pretty much just as close as it could be. I already lost Andy a couple years ago, I can't lose Severide. Holding Gabby's hand with our fingers intertwined, I felt her rub my hand. She just got back from going to the washroom and I could just tell that she was worried. Going to kiss her hand, I smiled at her. "Hey, take some breaths for me okay Gabby? You need to relax and be calm for the baby." She looked at me when I told her that, doing like I asked.

Gabby nodded when I said that and just held me close to her. Kissing her head, I smiled because she was really what was holding me together right now. I was really scared for Severide. That's when I heard the doctor come out. Seeing it was Will, I just looked at Jay. "Your brother Jay." Jay smiled and agreed as he turned to look at Erin. They came too since Erin has been great friends with Kelly for years. Heck, I think they even dated at one point. Going to get up, she looked at Will to try and get some information. That's when we all got the news we needed. "He's stable."

Letting out a sigh of relief, I turned to look at Gabby and smiled as I went to put my hand on her cheek. I then went to kiss it and just smiled at her. "He's in the clear." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Good." Looking into her eyes, I could tell something was off. "Gabby, you okay?" Gabby nodded. "Yeah, I just have to go to the washroom." Gabby then got up and went to walk away pretty fast. However, I knew that was a sign that not everything was okay. Going to get up, I looked at Chief who was there. "Chief, come find me if they tell us any more information?"

Nodding, Boden just watched as I went to go find Gabby. Gabby may say that she's fine but...I know my wife better than anybody and I know that she's not fine. Walking into the ER where she ran, I looked at Maggie. "You see Gabby run in here?" Maggie looked up at me and nodded. "Yeah, treatment 3. This is typical though Matt. Just give her a minute. She has had to process a lot of news in the past couple hours. Between Severide and the miscarriage...." I went to interrupt her when she said that. "Sorry, the what now?" Maggie got scared when I said that.

I then proceeded to rush over to treatment 3 so that I could be with Gabby. Why didn't she tell me? I don't care if Severide is injured....Gabby is my wife and I would have been there for her first. Going to make my way into the room, I looked at Gabby who was currently on the ground, crying as she finally was able to release the tears that came with the news. Going to look at Maggie, I gave her a silent nod to tell her that I was going to close the door. Nodding to me as well, she knew right away and allowed me to do just that. Closing the door, I took a breath.

Going to walk over to Gabby, I proceeded to sit down next to her on the ground and then wrapped my arm around her. Kissing the side of her head, I held her close to me and just went to grab her hand. "Gabby..." Gabby turned to look at me. "Why didn't you tell me?" Gabby just bit her lip and looked down. "Your best friend was in surgery Matt, I didn't want to burden..." I stopped her when she said that. "Hey, I want you to stop that okay? You are not a burden. You are my wife. Babe, what happened? When did you find out?" Gabby just looked down.

"Remember when I snuck out to go to the washroom an hour ago?" I nodded. "Well, I really went to see my OB/GYN. Matt, I just felt something was off and...." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her forehead. "The umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. She was deprived of oxygen and she died." I nodded when she said that and just went to kiss her forehead softly to try and make her feel better. "Gabby, I am so sorry that you had to deal with this on your own for so long. Please babe, know that I can help you okay?" Gabby nodded.

Going to kiss Gabby's forehead, I sighed because this is not the news that we wanted to hear right now. "Matt, I am so sorry." I shook my head. "Hey, this wasn't your fault okay? This isn't your fault." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "And of course, it happens on our 4th wedding anniversary." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "It's okay Gabby because we are here together. Listen, just take a breath and please relax okay? I am here for you and I am going to just hold you tonight." Gabby then turned to look at me.

"Matt, I want to tell you this first....I know this is premature need to promise me that you aren't going to put me through this again." I looked at her when she said that. "You don't want more kids?" Gabby got scared. "Matt, this is our second miscarriage. I am not sure if I can go through a third in Puerto Rico. It's been why I have been so quiet...I was thinking about how to tell you all this." I nodded and agreed with her when she told me that. "Well listen, if you are done having kids...then I am done having kids. Babe, we have 4 amazing kids. I'm happy."

Gabby just agreed with me when I said that. Going to lean her forehead against mine, she went to kiss my hand and just took a breath. "Listen, I know you probably want to stay but..." I just shook my head. "No, we can go. And I will talk to our moms. Gabby, they can take care of the kids again while we grieve. I will wear my sweats and we can grieve." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "No sex for a while okay?" I nodded and agreed with her. "Of course. Listen..." I then went to grab the car keys. "Go out to the van, I'll talk to Boden and he can talk to Kelly."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Can you tell Hermann for me? I am going to want to talk to them about it." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. Going to kiss her forehead softly, I sighed. "Listen, just go outside and wait in the van. I will talk to them and then we will go home. Gabby, I love you and I am here for you okay? You are my priority right now." Gabby agreed with me when I said that, going to kiss me softly. "We can pick something up for supper." I nodded and agreed with her. "And we can cuddle with the kids." Gabby nodded and smiled.

Going to get up, I put my hand out and just looked at Gabby as I went to help her up. I then moved to wrap my arms around her and sighed. "Gabby, it's going to be okay...I promise." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, obviously knowing that was the case. "I know Matt." I smiled and agreed with her before going to kiss her softly. "I love you and just know that everything is going to be okay." Looking at Gabby as we held each other close, I sighed because this was not the news that we wanted to get today. But, I am glad we never have to get it again.

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