Chapter 12

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"You're going back aren't you?" -Gabby

Matt's POV: When Gabby asked me whether I was going back to Truck 81, I just sighed because I didn't even know the answer. Going to grab her hand, I rubbed it because I didn't know. "Not right now Gabby. This is a conversation for us at home." Gabby nodded and just went to look at her new ring. "It's adorable by the way, you design it?" I nodded and smiled at her. "I wanted to make you something that was more personal. I wanted you to know that this is forever. Putting a personal touch on your wedding made it seem irreplaceable, just like you are to me."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Can I go show it off to the girls?" I nodded and smiled when she asked me. "Of course. I have you to myself later when we can talk." Gabby laughed and smiled at me. Going to kiss me quickly, she whispered to me. "Just know that I am on your side okay Matt? No need to hold back how you are feeling from me. We just need to talk about it and figure out an appropriate timeline." I nodded when she said that. "Later, I promise okay?" Gabby nodded. "I am going to talk to our moms to babysit. I am taking this off for you." I smirked.

Walking away, Gabby went to go see our friends meanwhile...Chief walked over to me. "Nice touch on the ring." I laughed and smiled at him. "God, I didn't expect to be that emotional." He nodded and smiled when I said that. He then went to rub my back. "Listen, do you mind if me and you go talk for a minute?" Chief nodded and agreed with me as I decided to pull him to the side. Walking over to the Truck, I smiled because this was the perfect place to talk about this. "So, how are you guys at home?" I laughed and smiled. "It's going great. I love the kids."

Boden nodded and smiled when I said that. "Weird being back here for the first time since you got injured?" I just looked around and realized that it had been that long. "Wow, has it really been that long?" Bodden nodded and smiled at me. "Listen, there is actually a reason I wanted to talk to you." Boden nodded and I sighed. "Wearing this uniform and being here is giving me nostalgia." Boden nodded when I said that. "And I know you just got me OFI work for now but...if I ever wanted to come back when my paternity leave is over, would that even be possible?"

Boden nodded when I asked him that. "Matt, of course it would be. You're our Captain. Dalton is just the Relief Lieutenant. I haven't made anything permanent. If you tell me you want to come back, then I will just make him temporary." I nodded and just sighed. "I can't say definitely I am coming back YET. However, I am going to talk to Gabby about it as well as my family. And it wouldn't be until the new year. I am sorry but, I just spent 3 months in the hospital with the Quadruplets. I want to spend that much time at home with them." Boden smiled and agreed.

"And then I want Christmas with them. So, if I could just delay it until next year it'd be great." Boden nodded and smiled. "Okay, truth time here...Dalton is just covering your paternity leave." I looked at him when he said that. "Really?" Boden nodded and smiled. "Matt, firefighting is in your blood. I knew I would be getting this call eventually. I didn't want to put a permanent Lieutenant on Truck 81 if it was just for a couple months. Matt, the spot is yours whenever you want to come back. And stay out as long as you want. I mean it...put your family's health first."

I nodded and agreed with him before going to hug him. "Thanks again for doing this for me. It means a lot to me." Boden nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "You got engaged here it just seemed right that you celebrated your wedding here." Turning around, I smiled at Gabby while listening to the music that was playing here at the firehouse. "Hey Boden, who is controlling the music here at the party?" Boden then looked around and smiled. "I think Severide is." I nodded and agreed, smiling at him. "We will talk another time okay?"

Boden nodded and smiled when I saw Gabby standing at the buffet table. Deciding to go join her, I just smiled as I prepared to jump in line. However, I did feel bad because she was talking to Cindy. They had a great friendship and I just loved watching her smile and laugh. "Yeah, he did an amazing job." Gabby then went to show Cindy her ring who just smiled. "It truly is gorgeous. I love it Gabby." I smiled when she said that. "And I love Gabby." Going to grab a plate, I smiled at her. Walking up to me, Gabby came to kiss me and just smiled. "I love you too, calm down."

I smiled and agreed with her as we kissed each other slowly

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I smiled and agreed with her as we kissed each other slowly. "Let's eat, after that...we are going to share our first dance as husband and wife. I want to give you a real wedding reception. And that includes a nice first dance." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to go back and grabbing some food. Going to grab some food of my own, I just smiled as we both stood there together and started to laugh together. This is what I missed from our time here at 51. Sure, I knew that it wasn't going to be the same since she wasn't going to be working with me on a daily basis but...I knew that she was going to visit with the kids a lot.

New Beginnings Season 2: Raising our Family (ABANDONED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora