Ch. 159 Character Q&A

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Y/n: I was.... not.

Host: Bakugo, you've been quiet.

Katsuki: Yeah, so?

Host: Anything you want to add?

Katsuki: No. Our relationship speaks for itself.

Host: What did you think when Kirishima texted you and asked if it was okay if he fooled around with y/n during movie night?

Deku: You guys did what?

Shoto: I second that question.

Katsuki: I told him to go for it. The fact that he was asking for permission showed me that I didn't have anything to worry about.

Host: Readers have commented on how you seem to be okay with her sleeping around. It doesn't bother you at all?

Katsuki: Not when I know she's always going to come back to me. Would I like it if I had her all to myself? Sure. I'd love that.

Y/n: Aw, really?

Katsuki: You're so stupid. Of course I would. You know I love you.

Y/n: I love you, too.

Shoto: But I love you, too.

Tamaki: Hey... guys... I'm here, too...

Host: So this is awkward. Anyway, Bakugo, any plans to make this official and lock her down?

Katsuki: Ha! We've seen how that goes. Only an idiot would try to do that.

Kaminari: He's talking about you, Shinso.

Shinso: Shut up.

Tamaki: I think she would be really cute locked down.

Y/n: Thanks, Tamaki. Do you have ideas about how to make that happen?

Tamaki: Actually...

Host: Shoto, what about you? You've shared your feelings for y/n but said that you didn't want to date right now due to everything going on in your life. Does it bother you that she is seeing other people?

Shoto: No, I want her to be happy. If someone else is what makes her happy, then so be it.

Y/n: Shoto, that's so sweet. 

Shoto: I mean it. You deserve to be happy.

Y/n: You do, too, Shoto.

Host: This is so cute!

Katsuki: I'm right here!

Tamaki: Hey... guys... I'm here, too...still...

Host: Tamaki, speaking of you, we've watched you gain confidence as your relationship with y/n has progressed. You've even tried some pretty bold things in the bedroom. Where did this new-found confidence come from?

Tamaki: Well. I guess it comes from knowing that she likes me, too. You do like me, don't you?

Y/n: Very much!

Tamaki: Enough to be my girlfriend?

Y/n: Uh...

Host: Switching topics. Deku, I have to ask about the most commented on line in the whole story. Since y/n's birthday, have you told anyone else to "suck it, bitch"?

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