Chapter 37

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To say that Edwin was broken was an understatement. He had lost his sister. He didn't give up searching like she told him to. He kept on looking everywhere. Called so many places. Checked the flights and stations over and over again, but there were no signs of Lili anywhere. At some point, he just gave up. He hadn't talked to Kurt, the person he had grown up with, ever since that day in his house. He still couldn't see the other man or talk to him, although the older had called and texted him many times. He felt he could prevent this from happening if Kurt had told him earlier. Not seeing him meant not seeing their mutual friends as well, and he didn't really have friends other than his childhood ones. He had hung out a few times with Lucas ever since Aiden had left him as well, but it was only two guys eating or drinking and talking about hospital-related stuff.

With patients coming and going frequently, the only person he really felt comfortable with, the only one that had stayed there a long time, was Vincent. The other had said he would think about leaving, but it had been months and he still refused to talk about it. He had seen Aiden calling Vincent a couple of times when he was in his room. He kind of wanted to rip the phone out of his hand and talk to him, but he didn't.

That night, when Aiden had told him what he did and then left, he stood there for a long time. Repeating what he had heard in his head over and over again. His emotional side and the doctor characteristics were in a close battle. The emotional side of him wanted to run after him, maybe even kiss him and tell him it's okay, but the professional side knew he had to give him space. Time to think, to sort out his thoughts, and if he wanted, he could come back to him. But the professional side also had talked to Chad about how the other man seemed to think he wasn't worthy of receiving love, and that he had a very strong blaming pattern. Chad guessed it had something to do with his childhood, but he didn't tell him further, saying he had promised the father of the singer not to say anything.

So here he was, alone, tired, and bored to death. Now that he didn't have Lili to take care of, or Aiden for that matter, he didn't know what to do with all his free time. A thought crossed his mind, and he picked his phone up, dialing a familiar number.


"Hey, it's Edwin."

"I know Eddie. I have your number, silly!"

"Oh... I was wondering, can I come to your school? To practice and stuff?"

"You wanna dance again? Of course you can! I'm gonna text you the address right away. Wow, I can't believe this!"

And so he went. Moving and dancing to the beat again after such a long time had a strange feeling to it. Of course, he still danced at home from time to time, but this was different. More focused, more professional, and in front of others. Soon he remembered how much he loved the feeling and he figured that nothing had changed. He still loved everything about dancing.

This became his routine. He ate, he went to his shift at the hospital, he went to the dance school, he slept, repeat. Neither Brad nor himself could believe how fast his body remembered the old moves and how easy it was for him to perfect them. It was almost like he had never stopped.

Three months passed like that. He would watch Aiden on his world tour on Instagram posts. Some days his eyes were sad, although he had a big smile on his face, and some days he looked genuinely happy. Around the end of the third month, he noticed how the singer had gained a very little amount of weight, gaining back the muscles he had lost during all the drama he went through, and he couldn't help feeling happy about it.

Edwin was just lying down on his bed after spending the entire day practicing and being worn out when he got a notification saying Aiden had posted.

'Hi, babies! Thanks for being with me during this world tour. It's finished now. As a thanks for all the love and support you always give me, I have a song especially for you. I made it during the tour. Just don't tell the company about it lol! Check it out on my SoundCloud. I like it, how about you?'

Edwin quickly switched to SoundCloud and played the song. He knew the song was supposed to be for the fans but there was a sentence that caught his attention

'The blue moon shines over the river. I'm standing on the bridge wondering... How are you these days? I'm feeling better.'

It was strange how Aiden had called the moon blue. He always said it was gray, but in his song he mentioned it to be blue. It was strange because, during one of their many night talks at the hospital, they had this conversation about the moon. Aiden said it's gray and Edwin said it's better to call it blue. A light shade of it, that it would be prettier like that. Aiden had replied with, 'Well, I can't argue with that. Blue does look very good on you, after all.'

Edwin just shook his head a little to get rid of the thought. There was no way Aiden had written a song with him and his opinions in mind. 

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