Chapter 24

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It's true that Aiden was given a few days off, but he just couldn't sit still. He took Vincent to the studio, forcing him to make some beats or chords or whatever. He took him to the mall and bought him a few things and a lot of food and ice cream. He even bought him a dream catcher in hopes of the item to work and take away the young boy's nightmares.

'Why don't you buy yourself one as well, then?' was what he thought. He was a master at having nightmares, after all, convincing Edwin that he wanted to sleep on the chair because it was 'relaxing' while the truth was that he didn't want the blue-haired doll-like beauty to see him shaking and sweating in his sleep. Sure, Vincent had seen it all, but still, he didn't want the doctor to know it, as he had never mentioned anything about his nightmares in all those months of his stay at the hospital.

Edwin told him he was going to be home late and that they shouldn't wait for him for dinner. He and Vin ate while watching a movie and after taking his medicine, the younger drifted to dreamland on the couch. Knowing how he would panic if he was moved in his sleep, Aiden let him be and went to lie on his bed. When he put his head on the pillow, he felt something strange. Something was not right. He looked around and shifted, searching for what his mind was trying to tell him. And it finally hit him. His scent, the one he had dearly held on to, was gone. There were no signs of the scent of his cologne or his body anymore. It was replaced by another. Vincent never used anything. He just didn't like to have a scent under his nose all the time, so that left Edwin. His bed now smelled like Edwin. He didn't know how he felt about that. He was happy because he thought now that even the scent was gone, maybe, just maybe he could move on, but sad because, well... the scent of his lover was gone. Rolling around, he looked at his watch. It was 11 pm.

'Why doesn't Edwin come already? He left really early this morning.'

He decided to make a nice bubble bath with the blue bath bombs he had. So he did, and he was so satisfied with the color it gave the water. It was so similar to the doctor's hair. He just loved his hair like that so much. It suited him the best.

When the clock hit 12 AM, the door finally opened, revealing an extremely exhausted frame. Edwin looked like he was hardly carrying his weight. Aiden took the bag from his hand and handed him a banana after the boy said he didn't want food. He just ate quietly before heading to the bedroom.

"I made you a bubble bath. Just stay there and let your body relax for a while. Your muscles are so tense."

"What muscles!" Was the only thing the tall boy said before disappearing into the bathroom. He came out after an hour, having just a towel around his hips and not bothering with the water drops from his wet hair. Aiden jumped up at the scene, taking a towel and putting it on Edwin's head, drying his hair all the while the other sat on the edge of the bed, half-asleep.

"The water was blue!" He said after being quiet all night and giggled. "It was pretty."

"It was just like your hair color, right? I bought it cos it looked the same." Aiden laughed shortly, remembering how he had only picked a dozen blue bath bombs because they were the same color. He caught Edwin staring at him from under his bangs that were covering his big eyes, lips slightly parted. He looked beautiful. He always did but like this, half-naked, wet skin, with wet hair, while sitting down on his bed and Aiden drying his hair with a towel, he was just unbelievably hot in addition to ridiculously gorgeous. He didn't look seductive at all, he just looked incredibly innocent, pure. Aiden found himself leaning in. Like Edwin was the source of gravity, making him come closer and closer. Only when a hot breath left Edwin's mouth did he realize what he was doing and stood straight again. Looking around the room awkwardly, he went into the bathroom with the excuse of putting the towel in the basket. 'What the fuck are you doing?' was all he could think while looking at his reflection in the mirror. Walking out, he saw Edwin fully dressed and lying on the bed with his phone in hand, clearly scrolling through something. Aiden went there and lay down next to him.

"Why haven't you slept yet? Can't you see how tired you are?" He asked, trying to catch the phone from the younger's hands, but the other was fast at reacting and not letting him succeed.

"That was one long process of putting a towel in the basket." Edwin spoke, still looking straight at his screen.

Aiden tried to analyze the tone of the other's voice, to see what he meant or felt, but it was just unreadable.

"I needed some time to put myself in place."

"Why?" The other casually asked, voice incredibly calm.

"Cos I would kiss you otherwise." He decided to be honest.

Edwin locked his phone, putting it next to him, and looked at Aiden. "You don't want to?" He asked calmly yet again. Like it was the most casual conversation ever. It was so unlike him. He was rather shy when it came to stuff like this, usually. Even when Aiden teased him, he'd blush all over his face, but now he was too calm.

"I would be insane if I didn't want to. Your lips are gorgeous." He couldn't stop staring at those plump lips.

"Then what's the problem?" Edwin was looking at him. Gaze jumping from his eyes to his lips, his hair, and back to the lips.

"The problem is, I can't just go around kissing whoever I want, meaning using them for my own desires." He spoke in a breathy tone.

Edwin was staring at him at this point. There they were, lying in one bed facing each other, less than half a meter gap between them and staring. That was, until Edwin propped himself up on one elbow, closed the distance, and put his lips on Aiden's. He was taken aback by the action. Closing his eyes after a mere moment, he tried to kiss back. It was just a touch, smooth but so so relaxing. Their lips against each other, the softness of them, and the tingles they sent all over his body were extremely pleasant. Having Edwin this close, his fresh scent engulfing him, the tips of his wet hair tickling his face, and the calm that surrounded them made Aiden think that he was an idiot for having tried to prevent this from happening. After what could have been both a short and a long time, Edwin detached their lips and leaned back a bit. Their faces were extremely close, each feeling the other's breath on his skin while staring deep into the other's soul, searching for something. And then Edwin leaned all the way back, turning around such that his back was toward Aiden, and whispered 'good night.' Aiden licked his lips, trying to see if he could taste Edwin, and whispered 'night, bluewin.' back. He also turned around, looking at the wall. They slept like that. Their backs to each other after having kissed for the first time. And despite it having felt otherworldly a few seconds ago, right then at that moment, Aiden had to bite his tongue and push his nails into his palms hard to stop himself from bursting into tears. He— he had kissed someone else on the bed he used to share with him.

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