Chapter 58

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"Why did you call him! I told you not to. He's busy in the evening. It's not like I'm dying! It's just a bruise!" Edwin was constantly nagging at Brad for calling his boyfriend. Though the other didn't seem apologetic at all.

He had gone to the dance school in the morning, thinking he would be just fine, as he had been able to handle the pain pretty well. But not after a few minutes of warming up, he felt the pain becoming worse, and he excused himself. Luck was not on his side as Brad had walked into the changing room as soon as he had taken his shirt off and had seen the angry big purple area on his skin. He then had accompanied him to the hospital despite Edwin's protests.

"He has the right to know. You know him. I don't wanna watch him get sulky for a year for not telling him. Besides, he will kill us both if he found out about it later. You just haven't seen him angry yet." Brad replied calmly.

What was there to be afraid of, anyway? Aiden was a soft fluff ball.

'Unless he is under the influence of drugs or too much alcohol. Then, he is either fucking scary or too annoying and sarcastic.'

The thought crossed Edwin's mind as he remembered the amount of grumpiness they had to endure the first three weeks back at the hospital while the drugs were getting out of the older's system. It was hell.

The door opened harshly as a panting Aiden came running in, scanning him from head to toe with wide eyes.

Edwin was sitting on the bed, reading a book with Brad on the couch across the room.

"What's wrong? You were okay this morning." He asked, too afraid to even touch Edwin as if it would hurt the younger if he did.

The other chuckled and took his boyfriend's hand in his, squeezing it a bit.

"I'm fine, Evans! Brad just made a big fuss out of it. How was the show?"

"Don't 'Evans' me now! I'm not in the mood for it. Now spill. What happened? Where does it hurt?" His tone was serious, but the worry was pouring out of his eyes. Even though Edwin was sitting there like he was totally fine, seeing him in hospital clothes clenched his heart.

"I had a minor accident yesterday. I didn't think it was serious, but today it just grew more painful, so I came here to check it up. They said it's just a hairline fracture on the ribs and I should be careful for two weeks. It's really nothing serious." He said and laughed shortly, rubbed his ear while looking down at their hands.

"When did this happen?" Aiden asked after a few seconds of silence with narrowed eyes.

"I told you. Yesterday."

"When exactly?"

"Um... around noon?" Edwin looked into Aiden's eyes without blinking.

"Where?" He asked monotonously. His hand merely holding Edwin's.

"At the alley next to the school."

"What kind of accident was it?"

"A car accident."

"A car? In the alley?"

"I know, right? I wasn't expecting it either and then, boom! A car appeared and I managed to jump to the corner just in time or else I'd be crushed. But I did and I'm alive now." Edwin laughed a bit again.

Aiden chuckled with his eyes glued to him. He let go of Edwin's hand and grabbed the safety rail of the bed. "One more question." He looked back into Edwin's eyes. "Why are you lying?" His eyes were dark and intense. Edwin almost found it hard to keep the eye contact.

"I'm not! Why should I lie about a small bruise?"

"I don't know. You're the one who's lying, so you tell me." Aiden shrugged and looked at him coldly.

Edwin didn't like the look at all. It was like the other didn't have any feelings for him, ever. "I'm not lying, baby. I swea-" He wasn't able to finish his word cos Aiden left the room. Just like that, he just left. Edwin would be lying if he said it didn't hurt. Now that the older was here, he wanted him to stay by his side and not leave him without any word like that after looking at him with such a cold gaze.

Brad sighed as he stood up and pushed his phone into his pocket. "I told you you haven't seen him angry yet. I'll go talk to him."

Brad left the room and looked around for Aiden. The guy was talking to a doctor. He walked over to them.

"So it's really just a slight fracture?"

"Yes, Mr. Evans. It's really nothing crucial."

"Can you say what the cause of it is, though?"

"It seems like it was caused by a hit. Actually, I asked him if he was attacked by someone, but he said he had an accident."

"So you think he was beaten?!"

"I can't say for sure. It could also be caused by an accident, but from my experience, it looks more like a hit."

Aiden gritted his teeth. He turned around furiously to head back to the room when Brad stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Let go." he demanded.

"Calm down, Den! Why are you so worked up?"

"Because he's lying. He's lying to my fucking face!"

"How do you know he's lying?! Maybe he's telling the truth."

"I know him! The nervous laughing, rubbing his ear, looking down, not blinking, rambling on and on? He's lying. I'm sure about it."

"Okay, maybe you're right. Maybe he is lying. But calm down, will ya? He may not show it, but he IS in pain. They had to give him morphine."

Aiden inhaled roughly.

"I know you absolutely hate it when people lie, but try to calm down before going back inside."

"He's not people, though. He is Edwin. He isn't supposed to be lying to me. He's supposed to trust me enough to be honest with me." His body tension decreased a bit and Brad let go of him. They both sat on the chairs.

"If you're right and he's lying, then he must have a reason. I'll head back to the room. Cool down and come back and ask him nicely. You won't get it out of him with your cold, scary gaze."

"What cold, scary gaze!?"

"Exactly that one." Brad pointed at his eyes and grinned before standing up. "Look in the mirror and you'll know what I mean."

Around 10 minutes later, the door opened, gently this time, and Aiden came in with three cups of Starbucks in his hand.

He handed Brad one. "You can go back now. I'll be staying here."

"Alright. Fill me in if anything happened." He bid goodbye to Edwin and left.

"Here. The doctor said no caffeine, so I got you juice."

"Thanks." Edwin took the cup slowly.

"I'm sorry. I just..." He looked at the cup in his own hand and played with the straw. "Why are you not telling me the truth, Edwin?" Looking back up, he saw Edwin biting on the corner of his lips harshly. It looked painful with the way it changed the color of his lips. Aiden placed his cup on the table beside the bed and took the other one from Edwin's hand, doing the same. Edwin didn't reply, nor did he stop abusing his lips.

Aiden put his thumb on the spot he was chewing and applied a little pressure so that he had to stop. "Stop. You'll make it bleed."

Edwin looked into his eyes as his own started becoming teary. Upon seeing that, Aiden panicked inwardly and sat on the bed, getting closer and hugging the younger carefully, to not cause him any pain.

Edwin circled his arms around Aiden and the older could feel how a few tears made his shirt wet. "I'm scared."

Aiden felt his soul leave his body when he heard the shaky voice of his beautiful boyfriend speak those words. What was he scared of? What had really happened? He decided to let Edwin cry for a bit in order to calm down before he'd ask about it. He would skin anyone or anything that was the cause of his precious Edwin's pain.

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