Chapter 42

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After Aiden's shower, both of them sat behind the counter to eat the food that Edwin had ordered. The younger couldn't help taking glances at the now black-haired man in front of him. His hair was still wet and now that he was actually paying attention, it matched with the pale skin really well. They didn't say one word during dinner. Aiden must have felt his gaze on him and as soon as he opened his mouth to ask the things he wanted, he was interrupted by Aiden.

"Tomorrow. I'll tell you whatever you wanna know tomorrow. Right now I'm too tired and just wanna sleep."

Edwin nodded quietly. "I'll get going then. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I'm not. Can you stay?" Aiden asked him with saddened eyes.

"Sure. Let's get you to bed." For some reason, Aiden seemed so vulnerable at the moment. Taking the older's hand in his, they moved to the bedroom and lay down. There was half a meter between them, but they were facing each other, both looking at the other without saying anything. Edwin found himself brushing the wet black bangs away from Aiden's face gently, massaging his scalp a little in the process. Aiden closed his eyes at the action shortly before opening them again.

"Black hair suits you so much. I don't even miss the blond anymore."

A small smile appeared on Aiden's face before his eyes closed, and he fell asleep fast.

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Aiden woke up early in the morning after a usual nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. Staring at the sleeping figure next to him, he thought of the look on the boy's face last night. He didn't want to make him worried by saying those things in front of him, but he also didn't want to make him uncomfortable by telling him to leave. Plus, he really wanted Edwin, someone, anyone, to be by his side. He kind of wished he could use the presence of another person to get rid of his mother sooner, and it had worked. So he kind of felt bad for using Edwin as his hidden weapon, but the boy was kind enough to let himself be used.

Edwin always slept so beautifully. Aiden couldn't believe anyone could be that beautiful while asleep.

'But Ian was beautiful while asleep as well.'

The thought crossed his mind, and he tried to get rid of it, shaking his head and covering his ears as if it would make the voice in his head stop.

He had to get out of bed when Luis called and told him he was on his way to his place. He got a quick shower, just to have water running on his skin, and changed into clothes as soon as he got out, making his t-shirt wet with the drops that kept falling from his hair. He just didn't feel like drying it, so he let it be. Looking at Edwin's peaceful face one last time, he got out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him, not wanting to disturb the boy when his manager arrived.

"Why are your clothes so wet? You know how easy it is for you to get sick." Was the first thing Luis said coming inside the apartment.

"It's okay. With things going the way they are, I won't be having a performance in a while, so it doesn't matter." Aiden shrugged.

"Aiden!" He warned him. "Sit down. We need to talk."

Sitting down across from his manager, he started sipping on the coffee he had made for both of them. "I talked with other managers of the company, and the producers. No one is happy about this new CEO. He's giving a hard time to everyone, so we decided to take matters into our hands and report this to the court. But it may influence everyone's schedules for a while. So the managers have been sent to talk to their artists about it. You all could go on becoming a slave to this maniac or we could stand against him and throw him out of the company. What do you think?"

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