Chapter 14

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(8 years ago)

Aiden woke up to the sound of his alarm. He cursed when he realized he had snoozed it during his sleep and ran towards the bathroom, quickly taking a shower and getting ready. It was the day. His first day working at the big IT company as a programmer. He had just moved to this city a few days ago after receiving a job offer he couldn't believe was real at first. Sure, he was into programming from a very young age and won competitions several times, but still, this was a big step. He never felt attached to anyone or anything, so leaving all he was familiar with wasn't a big deal to him. Well, the fact that his best friend Joe was coming with him to the new city, finding a job there himself, was actually very comforting. They got a house together. It was tiny, but it was enough for them. Upon seeing his friend running back and forth in the apartment, Joe started laughing. "Late for the first day of work, Evans?"

"Why didn't you wake me up, evil dimples?" Aiden shouted while fixing his tie. Finally getting ready, he got his motorcycle's keys, waved at Joe, and left the house.

Joe walked around, picking the pieces of clothing Aiden had spread all over in the past 10 minutes, putting them neatly on his bed. He was younger by a few months, but there were times when he felt like his best friend was a little kid.

Just like now, leaving a path behind himself on the whole floor. He chuckled. Knowing that Aiden would be home before him, he wrote a note and pinned it to the mirror in the hallway.

'Gym 10 PM. I made the drinks. Don't forget to bring them.'

Aiden got to the company just on time by riding as fast as he could. He had been told to not wear very formal and to just be casual, but he was a fashionista all the way — now that he could afford good enough clothes! — and couldn't help trying to match everything with everything. Just now, he was wearing a black silk shirt with black ripped jeans and a scarlet tie under his buttoned-down shirt. Walking in, he felt the eyes of people on him. Was it because he was new or was it because he was literally overdressed judging by how freaking casual other people's outfits were? Nevertheless, he walked to the elevator. Finally getting to his floor, he went to his supervisor's office and then walked to the desk that was now his. Putting his stuff down, he sank into the chair, looking into the project he was assigned to immediately. He was 19, and he got this perfect job with the perfect salary. You couldn't really blame him for being this excited! He was finally free.

He was deeply concentrated when someone knocked on his desk, making him look up from the monitor. He was met with a Blond boy with a bright smile on his face. Ironically enough, as soon as he looked up, the sun decided to shine full force from the window walls behind the said guy and Aiden had to close his eyes for a split second to be able to focus on the other. Moving his chair a little to get the sunrays out of his eyesight, he looked at the angel-faced boy in front of him. Literally, though. He had light blond hair — almost white — and the huge smile that could only be an angel's. But then Aiden called everyone an angel who had a nice smile, so you shouldn't really rely on his preferences.

"You are hot! I'm Ian. We'll be working on this project together." The said guy stretched his hand toward him. Aiden shook it, returning the smile with his own. "I'm Aiden Evans. And you too."

"Me too?"

"You are hot too."

They both laughed.

Ian grabbed a chair and sat next to him, facing the monitor. "This project is quite a big and sensitive one. I don't know if they told you yet, but we need to finish it by the end of the month. So you won't really have time to adapt to the environment first." He chuckled and looked downward at what Aiden could only think were his... thighs?! This guy was staring at his thighs! Before he could do anything, Ian pointed at the said body parts. "Are you really comfortable in those jeans? They look really illegally tight, especially with how built you are!"

Aiden chuckled, a little uneasy by all the staring. "Nah, they're practically like my own skin to me."

Ian tilted his head at him with a small smile on his face. Then he suddenly stood up, tapping his own thighs. "Well then, chop-chop! We have a lot to do. I'll send you a list of what each of us will have to do."

"You could just tell me now. I have a good memory."

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" Ian said and sat behind his own desk, which was like 3 meters away from his. They worked all day. He didn't really know how late it was before his phone started ringing and a very angry Joe yelled at him, asking where the hell he was.

"YO! I told you to be here at 10, Aiden. Where the fuck are you?"

"What? No, you didn't! I'm at the company!"

"STILL? Do you know what time it is? It's 10:30! Are you gonna work that late from day 1? Did you forget our practice? Are you leaving me behind, Evans?"

"Woahwoah Joe, chill my man! I'm gonna leave now. I'm gonna head straight to the gym. I'll be there in 5. Love you."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Get your ass here fast." He hung up.

Ian was looking at him. "How do you even have the energy to go to the gym at this hour?" He laughed.

"Well, I have to. My friend and I have to practice."

"Practice? Like martial arts and stuff?"

"No. Choreographies. We're dancers." Aiden said, packing his stuff.

Ian stopped him by grabbing his bicep. "Hold on, you dance? How good are you, though? Me and my friends need two dancers to complete our crew, but so far we haven't found anyone good enough."

"YOU dance too?" Aiden looked at Ian from head to toe. This guy didn't look like a dancer at all.

"Should I be offended?" Ian frowned a bit.

"No, god no, I'm sorry. You're just too baby-faced, so I have difficulty imagining you in dope facial expressions and stuff."

"Well... can I come with you? See how you dance and all? I'll tell you all about my crew and maybe we can hook up?"

Aiden laughed slightly at the boy's choice of word. "Sure, let's go."

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