Chapter 16

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Edited ✔️

It was 5:15 and Aiden couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning, he thought of going to the yard but it was cold tonight and he was shivering under 2 blankets, so going out wasn't a clever option. He grabbed his phone, going through his Instagram feed, and getting bored soon after. He thought of going to Lili's room, but then again, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. He thought of just texting her but she hadn't even responded to his previous ones, so what was the point even. A message notification popped up, showing the doctor's name. Well, the name he had saved him by.

hot blue

Why are you awake again? Btw, the Jealous stage was LIT! I was watching it and I had to replay three times!


Why are you not asleep yourself? You didn't do weird things while watching my stage, did you? ;)

hot blue

Nice try but no! One has to do much more than just strip during choreo to get to me.

Do you come up with choreos yourself?


Not always. Usually, I tell Brad how I want it to look like. He makes the most of it then and I add or change specific details here and there.

Nice job changing the topic tho :)

hot blue

I knew it was Brad's style! Ha!



hot blue



It's 6 AM. Don't you have to be here at 11? Sleep already. You can gosh over my stages later.

hot blue

*rolls eyes*

Ok mom.


Did you just-



hot blue

Wow. some people really don't know how to treat their doctor.


Shut up you're younger than me. I won't reply anymore. Sleep. Bye Bluewin.

Edwin stared at his phone screen for a couple of seconds. What the fuck was 'Bluewin'? Did Aiden just give him a pet name?! Shaking the thought out of his head, he locked his phone and put it away, trying to go to sleep as he was told. He really needed it.

It was 11:30 when Edwin got to the hospital having overslept. Rushing to his office, he threw his jacket on the chair and quickly put on his gown. Lucas knocked on his door, which was open, and walked in, handing him a folder.

"Everyone's meds for the morning's been given, except for Vin and Aiden's room. I was just about to go to them but you're here now and I have to leave as I'm already late, so you will kindly take care of this for me." Lucas winked at him and left.

Edwin put his jacket on the backrest of his chair, picked the folder up, and made his way to the second floor. Opening the door, he saw Vincent and one of the other patients playing cards. After giving the boy his pills and chatting with him a bit, he asked if he knew where Aiden was, but Vincent said he hadn't seen him since last night and he wasn't there when he had woken up this morning. Edwin thought he must've gone to the piano room in the basement, so he decided to check on Lili first before going all those stairs down to the older.

Opening the door to Lili's room quietly, his eyes widened to their limit when he saw his sister and Aiden sleeping on her bed, with Lili cuddling against Aiden's body. He frowned without recognizing and moved his way to the bed.

Shaking Aiden's leg, he called their names to wake them up. Aiden was the only one who reacted. Opening one of his eyes slowly to get used to the light, he looked at Edwin.

"Oh Edwin, when did you come?" Aiden asked while rubbing his eye and trying to sit up, but failing because Lili's body was on his hand.

"Just now." Edwin answered shortly. "Take this." Handing the pills to the other, he took a glance at his sister's sleeping figure.

"Why are you frowning so hard? Rough morning?" Aiden asked, still trying to slowly set his hand free without waking Lili up.

Edwin moved his way to the other side of the bed where Lili was, bent down and shook her. "Lili, wake up." He had to repeat the action 4 times to finally succeed. Lili opened her eyes and moved away from Aiden's body while curling her hands around Edwin's shoulders, making him sit on the bed and lower his upper body so that his sister could hug him as she wanted.

"Ed, I don't wanna wake up." She whined.

"You have to take your medication and you can't do it on an empty stomach." Freeing himself from her hands, he pointed at the two of them. "Get up, wash your faces, and go to the dining room. Both of you."

"Yes, daddy!" Aiden said teasingly.

Edwin raised his eyebrow at him, clearly trying to look nonchalant and fight back the blush that burned his pretty face a cute, deep red. The singer smirked, satisfied. He got out of bed and soon got out of the room.

Edwin turned to Lili. "Why was he here?"

"I asked him to come. I couldn't sleep and I felt alone."

"You never feel alone!"

"Now that Kurt's gone, there's no one I know here. I miss him." She pouted.

"Aiden's not a replacement, Lili. What if he gets attached by all this?"

Lili groaned, "Relax Ed! He's gay! Besides, I told him I just needed to cuddle with someone."

"Fine, whatever. Go wash up, you really need to eat. There's no color on your face."

When they arrived at the dining room, Aiden was already leaving with a sandwich in his hand. He just smiled at him while walking fast out of the door.

Edwin wasn't okay with what he saw. He was happy that his sister had opened up to someone new, but he knew that Aiden was leaving in less than a month and that would only hurt her more. But then again, did her sister really give that many fucks about Aiden to be hurt by him not being there? And why did he not want Aiden to be in his sister's bed? Well, it was indeed forbidden for patients to get into physical intimacy in the hospital. Aiden being gay didn't mean he can't be actually bi and he just can't imagine her sister sleeping with him and UGH WHY IS HE THINKING ABOUT ALL OF THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE???

He made sure Lili ate before walking her back to her room and making himself busy with all the work he had to do. 

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