Chapter 90

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Edwin woke up to Aiden's gentle voice calling his name and his soft hand caressing his hair. They were going shopping with the guys today.

"You can still sleep, but I set your alarm on 9. Get up and get ready. I'll pick you up after the gym." His boyfriend told him when he opened his eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked, still half asleep. They'd only slept for barely 3 hours.

Aiden chuckled and pinched his cheek gently. "I just told you. I'm going to the gym. Sleep baby, you're still tired." He replied as he got up from the edge of the bed.

"No wait. I'll come with you." Edwin said as he fought with his body to get out of bed.

"What? To the gym!?" Aiden asked with his eyes wide open.

Edwin only nodded as he stood up.


He had not once set foot in any kind of gym, so it was only logical for his boyfriend to look dumbfounded.

"I don't wanna sleep alone." He said with a hoarse voice, shrugging, and went to take a quick shower. Sleeping alone was one of the reasons, but the main reason was that he was still too scared of letting Aiden go anywhere alone. It was like he was afraid that somehow something would happen if he wasn't under his watch and the man would break again. He couldn't risk it. He just couldn't. Plus, he had been fed too much food by this boyfriend of his and was about to have a belly if he kept being a couch potato any longer. A bit of exercise never hurt anyone.

Except, it did. He had no idea his boyfriend could be so strict. He was dying from the exercises the older was making him do and he had been at it for only 20 minutes. The last straw was the '100 squats'. He gave up and just let himself fall cos there was no way in hell his legs would function for a single more second.

"I'm never going to the gym with you again." He heaved in between his rough and dry pants.

"You're such a weak ass!" The older said as he gave him a bottle of water.

"Excuse you. My ass is doing a great job taking you!" He frowned and curled up at how his lungs were giving up on him. "I'm dying."

Aiden chuckled and crouched down, making him sit up. "Does it hurt anywhere? I didn't go hard on you, Eddie."

"No. My throat is just really dry. Also, I never wanna be the person who you 'go hard' on in the gym! Poor soul!" He said as he just inhaled the whole bottle.

"Better?" The older asked and he nodded, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"Good. Then just go shower and lie down in the changing room while I work out."

"No, I'll just sit here. I wanna watch you work these muscles."

"Okay then." The older grinned and started his routine.

At some point, a buff guy — way bigger than Aiden — came and helped him at the bench press, and he thought Aiden would die under those weights at any moment. His face was so red and his muscles had grown bigger than usual. It was a breath-taking sight and Edwin found himself drooling over this sexy man he got as his one and only.

"Can't we go home first before joining the guys?" He asked Aiden after taking his photo, which he said he would post later.

"Why? We can shower here." The older replied after saying his goodbyes to the buff guy from earlier.

Edwin waited until they were alone. "So that you can fuck me? I'm barely keeping myself from jumping you right now. How can you be so damn sexy while working out? Look at these!" He said as he gripped the stone-hard biceps and tried to squeeze them but couldn't cos they were, well.. stone-hard!

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