Chapter 92

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The preparations for the world tour were crazy. They were practicing nonstop. Aiden would come up with so many ideas that the whole crew and Edwin were just left speechless. Brad wasn't though, he must have known by now.

Edwin got it as soon as he started working for the company and as Aiden's dancer. The fact that his boyfriend was serious when it came to his job. He was an extreme perfectionist that would easily get stressed if the tiniest thing didn't go to his plans. That had been the reason why he had seen him angry for the first time in months. The world tour teaser was not what he wanted, even though he had insisted on a special scene to be included. Edwin saw many occasions like this when Aiden would just lash out at the staff. He wouldn't shout but he would just look at them with such an intense gaze and sometimes use harsh words that he kind of understood why people at the company had given him the nickname 'asshole'. And honestly? The staff didn't make it easy to like them and be on their side. They messed things up so often that Edwin was convinced Aiden had become that big only because of his own constant hard work and ideas of concepts, etc.

The cherry on top was when they were a week prior to the tour, and they found out that one of the concert halls had canceled on them. Apparently, they were supposed to send them a certain percentage beforehand, but the staff forgot so the concert hall management thought they didn't want it anymore. And it was after they had sold out the tickets.

"How stupid can you be? It's your job!!! It's literally what you're paid to do! How the fuck could you forget?" Aiden said, hovering over the staff's desk and looking down at the boy.

Edwin had just arrived and was walking to the practice room, hoping that his boyfriend had come since he had a schedule to go to, when he heard the CEO's shouting and then Aiden's voice. He followed the sound and ended up at the staff's office.

"I... I'm sorry. There was so much to do that I..." The boy stuttered, looking like he was about to cry.

"I don't care about you being sorry. 40 thousand people have bought the ticket to a concert that is not gonna happen. How is you being sorry gonna fix anything?" His boyfriend said, obviously trying to hold back.

The boy didn't reply and just kept looking down.

"Is there nothing we can do? I don't wanna refund them. I wanna hold the concert. I can't just cancel on them." He asked the CEO who was just as frustrated.

"I'm gonna have to call them again. I've called twice already, but they said they've already rescheduled and it's unavailable."

Hearing that, Aiden ran his fingers through his hair repeatedly, messing them up. Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply a few times to calm down.

"What about other places? Other places in the same city. Is anything available?" He asked again from the staff boy.

"I... don't think so. It's not easy finding a hall with that capacity in such a short time." And that had been the wrong answer, the wrongest he could come up with.

Aiden exploded as he picked the pile of papers on the boy's desk and threw them at him. "I know it's not fucking easy because you fucked everything up. Now what about taking some responsibility and working your ass off till you fix your mess instead of telling me you don't think it's possible?" He shouted without a breath. "I don't work 24/7 for people like you to carelessly ruin it. Get your shit together and fix this or I'll make sure you get fired." He said as a final statement and turned around. He was so angry that he didn't even see Edwin there and just passed by him in fast steps.

Taking a final look at the boy, he turned around and ran after Aiden. His boyfriend went into the practice room and ignored everyone's greetings as he made his way to his bag. Taking a tank top out of the bag, Aiden kept holding it in his hand for a few seconds before throwing it to the bag again harshly. He rubbed his palms over his face furiously, clearly unable to calm himself down.

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