Chapter 71

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"Edwin, sit down! You walking around nonstop and not eating is not gonna solve anything." Finn said, trying to stop Edwin in his track. He felt how the slim body was shaking inside.

"You don't understand. It's been two days. If he, wherever he is, doesn't take his medication on time or at all, it's possible for his body to go into shock." Edwin said, gesturing his hands and on the verge of crying again. He kept it in. He had to be strong. He couldn't just break into tears every ten minutes, thinking the worst things.

"Medication? What for? I thought you cut him off months ago." Joe asked, confused.

"It's... it doesn't matter now. We have to find him, guys. We have to find him soon." Edwin pled and checked his phone for the nth time in hopes of seeing a message from Aiden. None of the texts they sent him or Luis were seen. When they called, it went directly to voice mail.

"It matters." Joe replied, standing up and walking closer to the tall boy. "It matters, Edwin. The company is not taking it seriously, saying he's just gone somewhere without telling us beforehand again. Feeling at ease, only because Luis is supposedly with him. If his health is on the line, maybe they will do something."

Edwin had never seen Joe like that. He had seen him angry, and it was terrifying, but this, the way his eyes were filled with worry, sadness, and anger, was something else. He swallowed before letting himself fall on the chair next to the glass wall. Rubbing his face roughly a couple of times, he brushed his hair back as he took a deep breath.

"Den, he... he showed some new symptoms, serious ones. I talked to Chad, the head doctor at the hospital, and we came up with a treatment. I can't tell you more cos Aiden didn't want you guys to know." Edwin knew the older would be upset when he would find out about this, but he had no other choice.

Everyone went quiet for some seconds.

"Is... it still because of the accident?" Ian asked with so much hesitance.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Joe turned to him and pursed his lips together, looking at his boyfriend. "Ian..."

"No, it's not. It goes way back. It's not because of you. Don't worry." Edwin forced himself to smile at the older guy, who was nearly panicking at the thought of him being the reason for yet another breakdown in his ex-lover.

"Are you sure you can't track him down?" Brad asked after minutes of ear-piercing silence.

Ian shook his head. "Aiden, he is a genius when it comes to coding. He always makes all of his devices unable to be hacked. I assume he has done the same thing to Luis's phone as well, cos I can't get through the wall. It's just unbreakable."

They all sighed in defeat.

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2 days ago, Aiden and Luis disappeared. Edwin contacted Patrick, and the rapper searched every corner of the hotel and asked everyone if they had seen them. No one had. Basically, they hadn't even come to the hotel after the concert. That concert had been the last one Aiden would be at before coming back home, and that meant no more schedule for the singer to be present at. That resulted in the company not being concerned about their whereabouts that much and keeping silent, not wanting the fans and the public to go crazy over their artist and manager missing.

Brad and Joe had fought so many times with the CEO in just two days already to know that there was no way the company would risk the image of Aiden, in case the singer was just chilling somewhere. So they kept quiet. Saying if they didn't show up in another two days, they would go to the police. The reason was logical. It was what any company would do. They wouldn't want the fans to be worried over nothing. But that was something the group of friends wouldn't understand in their current worried sick situation.

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