Chapter 56

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(A few days back)

Aiden had just dropped Edwin off at the younger's place after they came back from the beach and was about to go pack his stuff. His phone rang, and it showed Ian's name. He was hesitant to answer at first, but did so anyway.

"Fucking finally! Where are you?"


"We need to talk."

"I'm busy, Ian."

"I'm busier. I'll be at your place in 40." He hung up.

They arrived together at the entrance of the building. Walking inside the house in awkward silence, Aiden grabbed two glasses, pouring red wine in them and handing one to Ian. The other was looking out of the glass wall at the view and just stood there drinking.

"Why are you avoiding your friends?" Ian suddenly spoke up as he turned around and leaned on the glass behind him.

"What do you mean avoiding?" He asked calmly after taking a small sip and twirling the liquid, sitting on a chair by the kitchen counter.

"I mean-" Ian leaned off and walked toward Aiden, placing his drink on the coffee table and stopping a couple of steps away from him. "Why are you ignoring Joe's texts and calls? And why are you not hanging out with the guys as much?"

Aiden looked at him but didn't say anything. Ian closed the gap between them in fast but smooth steps and took the glass out of his hand, placing it on the counter. Aiden flinched at the action and wanted to stand up and put some distance between them, but decided to stay still and not show weakness. This was how it was with them. A battle to see who would give in first. It wasn't always a bad thing, it was so much fun at times, but other times it was just exhausting. So the only thing he did was to look away from the person standing in front of him.

"Aiden! answer me. Didn't you tell him you're okay with us being together?"

Aiden turned his face back to Ian, watching him intently. "I did and I am."

"Then why on earth are you avoiding him? He's devastated."

Aiden chuckled sarcastically. "Devastated? He didn't seem devastated when he decided to sleep with you while we were together."

"What?" Ian seemed really surprised. "Are you... are you still blaming him for that?"

"Am I not allowed to?"

"Aiden, I thought we talked about this. And you didn't seem to have much against him before, well, apart from the big fight you guys had after we broke up... but why are you bringing it up again now?" Ian was talking with much hesitation, as he didn't know what really was going on in Aiden's head. The older sighed deeply, looking down before looking at Ian again.

"Me not talking about it doesn't mean it doesn't eat me up all the time. Ian, I'm really exhausted right now. I'll call him later some time. Right now, I have bigger problems to deal with."

"Problems? So Joe is a problem now? Or is it me? Then you should have talked about it when it was time instead of holding it in."

"Same goes to you, though. You could have talked instead of letting it pile up and ending up sleeping with my best friend." Aiden said in a harsh tone, a little louder. His gaze was intimidating, but he seemed calm as well.

Ian seemed taken aback by the sudden outburst. He spent a few seconds staring at the man in front of him with his mouth slightly open. The singer broke their eye contact and looked around the place, let his eyes stay on the book Edwin had left on the corner of the counter.

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