Chapter 73

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They were at their hometown a few hours later. They weren't in a faraway country anyway and they had been sent back by the devil's private jet.

Luis kept asking him about what had happened. He couldn't tell the truth, but he also couldn't lie. He ended up saying it was something related to one of his projects from his old job, which wasn't a lie. He told Luis not to tell the company about it. They would tell them they had been chilling somewhere in the days of their free time. He had to lie to the CEO, but a lie was the least of his problems right now.

The taxi dropped Luis off at his place first. He really wished for everyone to be in their own homes not in his, but he knew that would be impossible. They had probably slept there the whole days of his disappearance.

Going into the elevator and pushing the button of his floor, he looked in the mirror. He looked like a body without a soul, or even worse. Dark circles were visible under his eyes, and he hadn't eaten anything for the past few days. It wasn't like he could down anything after witnessing someone being tortured, mainly because of his delayed actions.

Slapping his cheeks a few times to bring some color to his paler than usual face and failing, he sighed deeply and walked out of the elevator, toward the door of his apartment. He was two digits in when the door opened furiously from the inside. On any other day, he would at least yelp, but now he didn't even have the energy to be shocked.

Looking up, he saw Edwin's face for less than a second before the tall and slim figure jumped forward and hugged him as tight as he could, crying. Aiden looked ahead and saw five pairs of eyes on them. They were all there. Detaching Edwin from himself, he smiled a half-broken smile at him and walked past him inside the place. The next person to just randomly jump on him was his brother, Max. This one was even more eager and circled himself around his body completely. He was in pain. His stomach, his head, his whole being hurt, and people just kept hugging him out of nowhere.

He waited until the younger let go of him before he resumed walking toward the bedroom. He didn't waste any time in getting rid of his clothes and going into the bathroom, locking the glass door, and closing the blinds behind himself. He wanted to be alone, floating in the warm water of the bathtub in the peaceful silence. He desperately wished for the images to leave his head. He could still hear the screams in his ears clearly, like the girl was standing right next to him, begging him to do something, to help him. He felt like suffocating. He hated himself for ever having learned to hack. He hated himself for waiting those two days. He just hated himself in general at that moment and he didn't want to get out of the tub cos then he had 6 people he had to answer to and right now, he hated all of them and every other human being on the planet as well.

After what seemed like nearly an hour, he finally went out. He didn't bother with a towel and just put on clean clothes, wetting the clothes as well. The material got stuck on his body, which irritated him, but he didn't do anything about it.

Dragging his feet on the floor, he went to the kitchen without looking around. Opening the frig, he felt like puking even looking at any kind of food, especially the meat. He had seen enough meat being torn apart for the rest of his life. He couldn't even think about eating those right now. Closing it without taking anything out, he let himself fall on the chair and took a chocolate bar out of the cabin. Ripping the package apart with his teeth and biting a small piece, he forced himself to swallow it but found out it was not a good idea cos he could feel his stomach burn. He threw the chocolate away and looked up in front of him.

His eyes landed on Edwin, who was standing by the TV, observing his every move with those big eyes while fiddling with his fingers. He knew he should've been yearning for the younger, but he just wasn't. He just... he just didn't feel anything at the moment.

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