Chapter 76

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"Are you okay?"

Edwin was currently feeling half, if not fully, dead as he let himself fall on the chair in the corner of Chad's office. The head doctor had the audacity to ask him if he was okay. How could he be? He felt like he had lost his all, along with the ability to breathe.

"No!" He forced the two-letter word out as he covered his eyes with his palm, head resting on the back of the giant therapy chair.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Edwin. He'll be okay." The doctor patted his shoulder, but the words made his blood boil in a matter of seconds. He sat up feeling all kinds of anxious, and glared at the older man standing by his side.

"Oh, will he? We don't know any certain facts about this disorder. No one knows how it really works. I've been reading all sorts of researches and articles and yet, here I am. I have not a single fucking clue of how we should bring him back." He sighed in defeat and bent down, resting his elbows on his calves, looking at the wooden floor. "It's been three weeks. Three fucking WEEKS! He doesn't give us any info, nor does he talk to us. I thought he would cooperate when he agreed to come here." He shook his head and rubbed his face repeatedly in frustration. "He doesn't even look at me. All he does is mocking and pranking others, making them angry at him, and then hides in Joshua's room in case they come to whoop his ass. I REALLY hate him. He is nothing like Aiden." He took a deep breath after talking nonstop and blinked repeatedly to push the tears back.

Chad sat next to him and hugged his shoulder, making him rest his head on the older man's and he felt how a gentle hand stroked over his hair.

"I know it's hard for you and that you really hate him. It's even obvious in the way you look at him. Hector is really stubborn. More than Aiden ever decided to be. Do you think he'll come near you after all the death glares you've been throwing at him? I think you should take the first step. Go talk to him. Not fight, just talk. See if you can become friends even. Maybe that will help us get information out of him cos I've tried everything in the book and he still doesn't talk. And to think that I thought Aiden was a hard patient to deal with! Phew!" He chuckled, remembering the time he really wanted to choke Aiden the first week he had come to the hospital, being an ass and all. It almost felt like a good memory, compared to the amount of patience he had to come up with to deal with Hector.

A knock on the door made Chad stand up and walk toward it while it opened and a rather handsome man in a suit came in. They shook hands firmly, and the man glanced toward Edwin, who was still seated on the chair, not really caring about manners.

"Edwin, this is doctor Williams. He has several experiences working with dissociative identity disorder patients in Europe. I wrote him an e-mail a couple of weeks back and he was interested in Aiden's case. So he agreed to come help us for a while here."

Upon hearing that, Edwin's eyes lit up, and he jumped up, basically running to the well-built man with how fast he walked. The action must have been funny to the doctor, who chuckled and stretched his arm for Edwin to shake. He didn't hesitate, shaking the offered hand many times more than necessary. Dr. Williams was a bit shorter than him but still taller than Aiden, and he had styled up black hair and a body that Edwin was sure would make the nurses drool after.

"Please, call me Edward." The man smiled kindly at him.


"I know. I read your thesis. It's a shame you don't work in this field anymore. I could tell you would have a promising future had you continued."

"You read my thesis?! But why?!" He couldn't understand why a doctor from another continent would read something he had written. It hadn't even been that big a deal.

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