Chapter 82

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Aiden was currently wrapped in Edwin's arms in their own bed at their apartment. A doctor called Edward had told him everything. Chad and Edwin had looked so worried while he was listening to the doctor telling him he apparently had another... personality?! living along with him and that other personality/person had been riding his body for the past four months. It was strange cos he didn't remember anything. The last thing he remembered was leaving the concert with Luis and getting in the van, and then he had woken up in the hospital.

Some things were quite confusing. If what they said was 100% true, this personality had been there since the fire incident. Why come out now? Why did he wait for so long before making an appearance, and why did he leave now?! There should have been some kind of trigger from what Edward explained to him, but none of the three people there said anything about that. He asked, but didn't get a proper answer. They gave him something along the lines of 'tiredness' and 'weak body and mind conditions' as the reason the other could take over. It sounded fishy, but Aiden trusted Edwin enough to accept it. There was no sign of lying on the other's face, so there mustn't have been anything special to it.

He still couldn't quite understand it or deal with the fact that somewhere inside?! him there lived another person?! and that was the reason why he hadn't been able to fall asleep, resulting in Edwin embracing him closely and humming reassuring and loving words in his ears.

Another reason, or another confusing thing, was this guy. The one with that long hair. When their session with Edward ended and he exited Chad's office, there had been this long-haired guy, standing a few meters away and looking at him like he was an alien. But there was something very, very sad to his eyes. While Aiden was passing by him, he had grabbed Aiden's hand and just stared at him for several seconds before letting go and running away from them. Lucas had followed him. He really wanted to know who that guy was and why he was so sad looking at him.

The doctors Chad and Edward had wanted to keep him there, but he hated that place, so he just convinced them with the fact that he had a psychiatrist right by his side and that would be enough. The said psychiatrist was sleeping soundly with his beautiful lips squished against his shoulder. His arms were still tight around him, almost like he was holding him in his dreams as well.

He had wanted to inform Luis first thing when they got home, but Edwin didn't let him.

'Let me enjoy a couple of days with you before you jump right back into heavy schedules.'

He wanted to be with Edwin, he did, but he had been absent for four months already and that meant A LOT for him. He couldn't think of losing fans or falling back one bit. He loved his job too much for that. Knowing the preparations would take a couple of days anyway, Aiden took his phone from the nightstand, messaging his manager that he was back and totally fine to resume his activities. He needed to FINALLY release that album that seemed to be cursed!

Edwin had sent a message to their group chat, informing them that 'Aiden is back.' but told them not to come until the next day cos 'I don't wanna share my boyfriend with anyone today.'

Remembering his pout when he had typed it, Aiden chuckled and kissed Edwin's forehead before slipping out of his hold. He thought it would be like the usual. The usual meaning that he didn't have to be careful in the process cos the younger wouldn't wake up anyway, but he obviously thought wrong. As soon as he moved a tiny bit, Edwin's body stirred, and he opened his eyes, looking at him.

"Where are you going?" He asked in his hoarse voice.

"Shower. Wanna join me?" Aiden asked, brushing the hair out of Edwin's eyes. He really needed to cut his hair a bit.

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