Chapter 13

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Edited ✔️

It'd been 2 weeks since Luis visited and since then Aiden had shown a rollercoaster of emotions. He would lock himself in the piano room — which he got permission to use from Chad properly this time — he would throw everything around once he wasn't satisfied, he would finish a beat, listen to it a few times, and then delete the whole thing cause he just didn't like it. He would fall asleep behind the piano or just let the tears roll down his eyes quietly while leaning his head against it. And Edwin knew these because Lucas and himself checked on the man on a regular basis. With the arrival of a couple of new patients, everyone, especially the nurses, had more to do, and that left Edwin to do the most check-ups on the singer. Sometimes Aiden would ask for his opinion on some parts. Sometimes he would just enjoy a good cup of coffee with him. He wasn't sure if this was a healthy attitude. Aiden seemed to be enjoying what he was doing, but the number of mood swings was definitely not at a healthy rate.

Aiden would still go to the yard and have his midnight conversations with Lili. He played her too many piano-based songs already, making her sing along too. At first, she refused, but then she began singing along on her own when he played a song she knew.

Chad had talked with Kurt and he had agreed to finally get discharged after seeing Lili being comfortable around Aiden. He knew she wouldn't lock herself in her room as long as the blond-and-red-haired guy was here. Lili had hugged him for a good twenty minutes, refusing to let go, and then she suddenly did, running to her room and not coming out. Kurt didn't want to leave her. He wanted to stay or to take her with him, but he knew he couldn't do either. The company needed him desperately, so he had no choice. His other concern was Vincent. He had grown to care so much for this boy that he didn't want to even think about not being there for him when another breakdown would hit him again. He had repeated so many times to Lucas and Edwin to always keep their eyes on Vin.

DeleteCreated with Sketch.

It was 10 AM when Aiden opened his eyes. Few sun rays coming through the small window of the room in the basement were shining on a face right next to his. They had fallen asleep like that, with their heads on the piano fallboard after talking for a long time. Aiden always enjoyed listening to Lili's opinions and what she thought about various aspects of life. She told him how she wanted to be a singer herself, loving the stage, but she couldn't because she was too afraid of the crowd and the mass of people that she had to be around backstage.

Aiden thought she would make a great singer and people would fall in love with her voice. That was why he had tried to convince her to sing a very short part for one of his songs, but she refused. She was beautiful, even while sleeping, and that was why Aiden had been staring at her for a long time and only had to break the gaze when the door opened. Aiden sat up quickly, bringing his index finger to his lips, showing whoever it was to remain quiet. It was the handsome brother, Edwin, and his hair wasn't the same. It was BLUE! Aiden's eyes widened as he stood up from the stool and walked over to the tall guy. Looking at his hair and then at his big eyes that now stood out more. He smiled sheepishly. "Are you going for a Jellal look?"

"Hey! It's Grimmjow I'm going for! Can't you see it's a light shade of blue?!" Edwin whispered, frowning teasingly.

"Please! Jellal is way stronger."

"But Grimmjow is cooler and more handsome." Aiden giggled, enjoying the anime-referenced conversation.

"Lili should dye her hair scarlet so you could be Jellal and Erza."

"If you extended the red to the rest of your hair, then you and I could be Erza and Jellal." Edwin replied, leaning against the wall, pointing at Aiden's hair.

FALLING | MxM (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें