Chapter 75

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"It's been two days. Why doesn't he wake up?" Joe asked for the nth time, peeking through the small glass in the hospital room's door.

"The doctor already explained it, Joe. He went through a terrible shock. His brain is keeping the body in check by forcing it into remaining unconscious." Finn replied.

"Yeah, but how can we know he's okay in there? Being unconscious and all."

"We don't know." Edwin walked to them from the place he had disappeared to some minutes before. "We just have to wait for him to wake up." His tone was rather cold. Like he was one of the doctors explaining the situation. Just a doctor.

Joe narrowed his eyes. "How can you be so calm?" He suddenly felt the need to punch Edwin. Even he didn't know where that came from.

The tall boy let out a silent chuckle and looked down. "Calm..." Edwin exhaled and looked back up again. "There's nothing we can do. It's not a movie. We can't hold his hands and talk to him, and then he'd magically wake up. He has to overcome this on his own."

Joe gritted his teeth and got out of his seat, bumping into Edwin purposefully, pushing him aside on his way out of the hallway.

Edwin sat down beside Finn and leaned his head back on the white wall. He was starting to get sick of all the whiteness. A little color wouldn't kill anyone in the hospitals.

"I saw you holding his hand and talking to him a few hours ago, though."

He heard Finn say and smiled bitterly. "That's the only thing I can do. It won't help him, but it will help me relax a bit."

There were a few seconds of silence before Finn talked again. "Edwin... that bruise on your face, you still don't wanna talk about it?"

They had all frozen when they saw him in that state the first time and putting two and two together, they kind of figured out it must have been Aiden's doing, but he shut all the questions down in an instant. He had been wearing turtle necks all this time to hide the really bad ones.

He smiled and sat up properly. "Aren't you supposed to be in the restaurant? It's okay. I'm staying here, anyway. He won't be alone."

"Yeah, but you will. And the restaurant is okay. My assistant is a hell of a chef herself, anyway. She'll take care of things."

"What was her name again?"

"Clara." He chuckled, remembering her almost setting the whole kitchen on fire the first day she started working for him.

"Oi!! I see you Mr. i-don't-care-about-love! You like her~" Edwin nudged Finn on his side.

"I don't not care about love. I'm just not as gross as you guys are." The chef laughed and pushed Edwin away teasingly.

"Hmmm, wait till you fall in love, and then you'll be just as gross." And that was it. For a second, they had forgotten the situation they were in. Silence fell upon them again as they waited for the older to wake up.

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"Edwin, wake up."

He sat up quickly, rubbing the sleep off his eyes. "I'm up. What is it?" He said, still half asleep.

"He's... awake."

Edwin smiled widely and jumped up, basically running to the bed on the other side of the big VIP room. There were a doctor and three interns by the bed.

Aiden was sitting, looking perfectly fine and stable. His boyfriend looked at him briefly and then looked back at the doctor. No sign of interest was shown on his face. Something was wrong. No one was talking. Why wasn't anyone saying anything?

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