Chapter 49

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They had confessed. They had kissed, and now they were freezing due to their wet clothes. They walked out of the water, both shivering to their very bones.

"We are insane! Who said it was a good idea to kiss for an eternity in the middle of the freaking sea at midnight?" Edwin said, annoyed. The cold was something he was enemies with.

Next to him, Aiden chuckled. "Get in the car and take your clothes off. Turn on the heater and wait for me." He said as he gave the car keys to Edwin and started running away.

Edwin stood there, a bit perplexed. He didn't like being all alone in the absolute darkness surrounding him. He quickly got in the car and locked it. He got rid of his wet clothes just like the older had said and turned the heater on to the highest level. About 20 minutes later, Aiden returned and knocked on the window, which practically made Edwin's spirit leave his body for a second.

"God you scared me!" He said, still panting and holding onto his heart as the older got in.

Aiden chuckled and muttered an apology. "Here, wear these. Sorry I couldn't find anything better."

Edwin eyed him before taking the plastic bag from his hand. Taking them out, he saw two t-shirts and sweatpants.

"Where did you buy these at this hour?"

"I bought them from an old man's shop. He basically sells everything from food to toys to clothes and stuff. He has a 24h convenience shop thingy." He replied and took a pair of sweatpants from Edwin.

Undressing quickly and wearing the new dry clothes, Edwin looked at Aiden and burst out laughing. The other looked absolutely hilarious in those clothes. You see, the celebrity here was a fashionista. He would always match everything, even if he was in a hurry. Now, however, he was wearing one of those 'I love NY' t-shirts with a big red heart and a very green pair of sweatpants with three white lines on the sides.

"What?!" Aiden asked him with raised eyebrows and a slight pout.

"You look hilarious! I wanna take a photo and post it so your fans will see what their fashion god is wearing right now!" Actual tears started coming out of his eyes due to the laughter.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this kind of clothing used to be my only choice when I was a kid since it's the cheapest. Even now I got all of it for like 10 dollars."

Edwin's laughter died down due to the surprise. "You used to wear things like this? Not that I'm saying it's not okay or anything, clothes are clothes, but how?! How did you change from this to that!?"

"I told you. We were really poor. As soon as I could afford a good outfit, I ditched these. It's a wonder the shop owner remembered me even after all these years." He said and started the engine.

"You lived here?!"

The older hummed.

"Wow, I envy you! You grew up by the sea!"

A wide smile grew on Aiden's face. "It was probably the only good thing in my childhood."

Edwin reached out for his hand on the wheel and squeezed it. He then looked out the front. "Where are we going, though?"

"To a hotel. You're not expecting us to sleep in the car, or do you?" Aiden looked at him with a judging expression.

"I thought we were going back, and I was getting ready to protest, actually."

"There's no way I'm gonna go back to the city without having a taste by the sea."

Edwin didn't understand at first, but as soon as he did, he grew as red as a tomato. "HEY!" He slapped the older's bicep.

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