Extra 3: The end!

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Edwin was on his lap, his hands and those long fingers wrapped around both of their erections, stroking them together with just the right amount of pressure and pace to leave them both breathless and impatient to orgasm.

Aiden had been sitting on the couch, watching TV on mute, drinking his morning orange juice all dressed up and ready to leave for work when his cute, sleepy, puffy-faced boy in that over-sized hoodie of his had appeared in his eyesight. Edwin's hair was an absolute bird's nest and it made him all the more endearing, but that devil long-limbed kitten wouldn't have been his lover if he wasn't horny all the damn time!

He had hugged him, caressing over his back and hair, planting a few kisses on his earlobe when suddenly a hand had run over his crotch, undoing his zipper, and now he couldn't even think straight as he devoured those plump lips, sucked on that sweet-talking tongue and swallowed every last sound his beautiful angel made.

Edwin's voice was raspy and low, a bit tired too since he hadn't slept all that much after his photoshoot last night and his body was still hot in his arms from being wrapped in a bundle of blankets only a few minutes ago. There were a couple of hickeys on the right side of his neck from their make-out session in his office yesterday, and his naked ass was begging Aiden to put his hands on them. It took everything in him not to, because the moment he'd go for that delicious-looking ass, he knew he wouldn't make it to work on time. That couldn't happen since he had a very important meeting so he'd been busying both hands tugging at the soft black hair and pressing the younger's body closer to himself.

"Uh- fuck- babe, babe-" Edwin hissed, his hands stuttering for a few seconds and thighs shaking intensely too before his body calmed down and he got to continue.

"Shhh, do you want me to take over?" He whispered, moaning right after because goddammit if Edwin didn't give the best handjobs out there.

"No-" His pretty boy replied breathlessly, "No no no-" repeating the same word, obviously out of his mind, he started shaking his head as well, desperate to cum.

Aiden couldn't take it anymore and pulled him in for another rough, hungry kiss, making the boy shudder and groan in his arms and for his hands to stop momentarily again before he collected himself and resumed.

He was close and he knew Edwin was too. He pulled a couple of tissues from the box next to the couch and brought his hand between their bodies, covering their erections' heads with them. He really didn't have time to change.

He came with a groan and Edwin came panting roughly, body going limp immediately in his hold after he stroked them through their high.

His baby was plastered all over him, that gorgeous face in the crook of his neck, breathing him in soundly but all too soon it ended and he was left getting hit by the cold air when Edwin let himself fall to the couch's free space next to him.

"You can leave for work now, Evans." The younger kicked him softly with his foot to have him get off the couch. Those long legs needed all the couch's length to themselves, you see!

Aiden stood up, looking down at the perfect male model the world had ever seen. "You only want me for sex." He pouted playfully.

"You only got that now? I thought it was fairly obvious since the first time we slept together." Edwin replied with a snobbish, raised eyebrow.

"Hey!" He kicked the couch. "How can you even joke about it?! You thought you lost your sister for good!"

"It's been yeaaaars and she's back so I can finally admit to the fact that I only ever wanted you for your hot body."

The room was silent for a few seconds before they both burst out laughing. Their cats made protesting whines from the other room. Unlike any other cat, theirs didn't like getting up early and would make you regret existing if you woke them up!

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