Chapter 80

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"Hi, Hector. How's your day been?" Edward smiled as soon as the other walked in.

"Same as always. Lucas is mean!" He pouted and jumped on the sofa, crossing his legs on it.

Edward laughed out loud. "That's because you're a literal brat! You gave that old man a dead rat saying it was an old plushie. Where did you even get a dead rat from?!" The doctor was saying it with such amusement that for a second Edwin, who was sitting on the chair in the far corner of the room by the window, thought he enjoyed all the trouble Hector made. Actually, Edwin was sure that Edward had grown a liking for Hector. He was always laughing like a fool whenever the nurses told him about the mess the brat had made. He could bet Edward was the only person who found them funny. Well, he and Hector's partner in crime, aka Joshua!

"The yard! But still, Lucas didn't have to lock me in the room for a whole 5 hours. I was starved!"

"No one dies from 5 hours of not eating!" Edwin snorted.

Hector turned back to look at him. The chair was behind the sofa therefore he was sitting behind Hector.

"For someone who's only skin and bones, maybe." He pointed at Edwin, showing it was him he was talking about. "For me, on the other hand, it's actual torture. Can't believe that fool went days without food."

Edwin's smile wiped off his face as he heard it. Did someone starve Aiden in the past?! Why was there so much he didn't know about? How could anyone do that to a person like Aiden? He was a literal angel. Is.

He IS a literal angel, Edwin.

He had lost all hope in having his lover back, he was using past tense now. Great.

"I'll buy you some snacks. Hide them in your room so that the next time Lucas locks you in, you'll have food." Edward winked at him. "By the way, who's that fool? Aiden? Why did he starve?! Was he too lazy to go get food or something?"

Edwin knew what Edward was doing. He had done it so many times himself as well. Acting all dumb and friendly just to get the info you wanted to know.

Hector shook his head while pouting again. He looked like a kid like that. It was actually kind of cute.

"Nope. He was given a choice. To do what he was asked and go home, or get locked in and starve until he agreed to do so. He chose the latter. Went for days until neared death. They had to take him to the hospital when the boss got mad and forced some acid down his throat, and that's why he got that stomach condition that he sells off as 'stomach flu' and somehow everyone believes him. Well, at least they actually let him go that time." He paused. "Whoops, I didn't mean to tell you that." He said with a devilish smirk that showed that he indeed had meant to say it.

"Oi, you're not someone who just lets things slip. Why did you tell us if it's supposed to be a secret?" Edward smirked back at him.

"Just to show that he's not as much of a saint as Edwin here might think." He turned around to look at Edwin again. "He says he hates lying, right? But he actually lied to everyone about this. Even to you!" He sat properly again and shrugged. "Me, on the other hand, I would never go through something like that in the first place. He is too soft for his own good."

"Couldn't you take over and do the task so that they would leave the both of you alone?" Edward asked, completely focused on Hector.

"Well,... despite what you might think, and that's because you haven't met Aiden, he is strong. Like, really strong. I can't come out until he is seriously damaged. At that time, he had his will on fighting against the system or something equally stupid. Besides, I don't know shit about what they wanted him to do."

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