Chapter 84

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Edwin had been so nervous about Aiden finding everything out. He had texted Edward before they went into Chad's office, informing him that Aiden appeared to not remember anything about what had triggered him and asking him not to mention any of it. Some things were better left unsaid. It would do no good if they told him that he had gone through something they didn't know anything about, and watched a girl being tortured and then practically abused Edwin.

Aiden, on the other hand, had taken it quite well. All three of them had been actually surprised with the nonchalance the guy had shown. He had asked many questions about how that could even be possible and what it actually meant and was left quite confused, but he didn't show any discomfort whatsoever. Edward was quite fascinated with how Aiden had reacted and said it had been the first time he saw someone not panicking over this news.

They had come back home. Edwin had texted every one of the friends NOT to ever mention anything about what Aiden had done to him and deleted the messages right after he made his point clear. They had promised to do as told.

Lying in the arms of the man he loved, he had fallen asleep without constant pain in his heart for the first time in ages. He hadn't intended on telling Aiden how nearly everyone had left him alone in this, but it slipped his mouth at his angry estate.

He had wanted to fuck Aiden so much that it took all the self-control he had and more to stop himself and set it as a punishment for the older, for having done the one thing he had asked him not to do. He knew they would have their free days nevertheless, but he wanted to make Aiden understand a few facts, like he had to be his first priority cos he deserved it. If he wasn't, then there was no point in any of this.

Getting ready and waiting for Aiden, he was cursing himself for telling the other man about his friends. It wasn't even completely true. They had messaged him every day to see if there had been any progress. Joe and Max paid visits at least three times a week. He had to tell the older that it had been just some angry talk and get over with it. But he didn't have a chance as Aiden walked out of the bathroom, went to the walk-in closet, and started packing clothes in a suitcase.

"Um, what are you doing?" He somehow panicked, standing at the entrance, thinking Aiden was actually considering leaving him for a few days after what happened.

"Pack the stuff you need. We're going on a trip. Pack for like 4-5 days."

Edwin stood there looking at him with confusion written all over his face.

"Where are we going and why? The guys are coming here tomorrow." He said, watching Aiden put more items into the case.

"Well, I'd rather spend time alone with you than some people who would just leave you alone like that. They're just gonna have to wait if they're so caring."

Aiden was angry. Edwin could tell, although he was trying to appear calm. He had that intense look in his eyes, one that he controlled while he was around him.

"Babe, no, they were stressed as well and I-"

Aiden cut him off by throwing the handbag he liked the most at him. "I don't care why they did what they did. Let's talk about this later. Just pack your contact lenses and other stuff in that." He kissed his cheek on his way out.

That was how they ended up in the small town, which was more like a village, by the sea. Aiden had picked there saying 'I'm not that famous to have fans there.' and boy was he wrong! They were everywhere. Literally everywhere! But they had been so nice that they ended up having a fun time interacting with them in the two days they spent there. Their friends kept calling, but Aiden told him strictly NOT to answer them. He had such a great time chilling in that town that he was kinda sad they had to leave. The food was amazing at that tiny restaurant they picked randomly, and he got to know just how famous and loved his boyfriend was. And the said boyfriend had been showering him with all the love in the world in every second. How could it get any better?!

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