Chapter 93

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Edwin was dreaming about something. Aiden, Lili, and himself were in some kind of garden. A mesmerizing, bright garden decorated with beautiful statues. Lili was laughing at something Aiden said. Edwin walked to them. He was away from them for some reason, but he tried to approach them. Yet, no matter how much he walked, it didn't seem like he was getting any closer. They were just standing there, talking and laughing, and would occasionally look back at him with warm smiles on their faces. And then they started walking away, bidding him goodbye. Edwin started running. Or at least he tried to run. But he couldn't. He couldn't get his limbs to move fast. He tried and tried, but it didn't work. And then he realized it must be a dream. Because, in reality, Lili was gone and Aiden... Aiden would never leave him behind like that. He wouldn't...

He forced himself to wake up.

Opening his eyes, he heard himself panting as he sat up. The covers fell and landed on his hips. A second later, while he hadn't quite collected himself yet, he remembered the dream. Of Aiden leaving him for an unknown reason. Looking to the side as his hand reached out for his lover, he saw the bed was empty and cold, meaning the other had gone out of it a while back.

Panicking, he threw the covers away and jumped down as he put the robe on and tied the belt.

He checked the bathroom first, but it was empty. Walking fast steps, he opened the bedroom door. The smooth sound of the piano sent a spark of relief throughout his entire stressed-out body. But not completely. It was a sad melody. The older always played sad melodies when he was... sad. But there was no reason to be sad now. Sure he was stressed out because of the whole concert hall situation, but it didn't qualify for the piece that was being played at that moment. And the older definitely didn't look sad after their lovemaking the night before.

Walking the few steps to the room across from their bedroom, he turned the knob slowly and opened the door. As expected, Aiden was sitting behind the lilac grand piano. The one that always reminded him of his sister's beautiful hair.

The older was pressing the keys with the fingers of his right hand. His left arm was on the fallboard and he had his forehead resting on it. The piano was placed such that the other had his back to the door. Aiden's aura screamed 'melancholy'.

Inhaling, Edwin started walking toward his boyfriend, making sure that his feet made a bit of sound so that the other knew he was there and wouldn't get startled. Yet Aiden didn't react to it at all. Reaching the piano, Edwin stood behind him, placed his palm on his shoulder gently, and rubbed his back a bit.

"What is it, baby?" He asked quietly.

He felt how his lover's body shivered under his palm, but the older didn't say anything and just continued playing. Edwin didn't push it any further, knowing by now that he had to wait a bit for the other to start talking himself. He sat down next to him as he continued caressing his clothed back, listening to the very sad minor notes quietly.

And then they stopped. It was like the whole universe was standing still with how silent their surroundings were. There wasn't a single sound breaking the stilled atmosphere. Aiden remained like that, with his head on his hand and then, in that absolute silence, Edwin heard the sound of the tears dropping on the black and white keys. After long minutes of him sitting there, terrified of what the reason was for the silent tears of his beloved, Aiden sniffled and started sitting up slowly. The older looked out of the window for a couple of seconds and then stood up. Edwin's hand fell as the man left the chair and his heart dropped when the images of his dream came back to him. He was about to say something, to jump up and hug the other so tightly, he would never be able to leave, but then Aiden turned around. Edwin could see how drenched in tears his face was. But the older didn't look at him. He had his eyes on the floor. Walking the step that was separating them, Aiden knelt in front of him and leaned down, wrapped his arms around Edwin's waist, and rest his head on his lap, hiding his face, as his body started shaking in another flow of the silent tears.

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