Chapter 44

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"Edwin, bluewin~, wake up. It's almost noon!"

Edwin felt warm lips touching the skin of his forehead. He whined in return, pulling the blanket over his head.

"You're gonna be like that? You know I can easily pick you up, right?" Aiden sneaked his hands under the blanket and tickled the sensitive spot of Edwin's ribs that always made his body jerk immediately.

He sat up with pouty lips, while still being wrapped by the blanket, and rubbed his eye. "Why don't you ever let me sleep in peace?" He nagged.

Aiden laughed in disbelief. "You slept for like 10 hours. You're basically a koala in human form." He grabbed the blanket and yanked it away before making Edwin stand up in one move. "See? Standing on your feet after not using them for so long is good."

"Sheesh! I have a good reason for not wanting to stand on my feet, you know. And you're the cause of it. You should be responsible for your actions." Edwin fake frowned, crossing arms on his chest.

"You're so cute!" Aiden pinched his cheek. "I know. That's why I made you a bath with lots of bubbles and shit. Wash up and I'll order something." Aiden pushed him toward the bathroom by spanking him lightly. "You know, one of these days you're gonna have to go to the hospital. I can't understand how Chad is letting you have all these days off." He said while Edwin was turning on the shower. The younger tensed for a second, thinking of an answer to give, but to his relief, Aiden didn't wait for a reply. He left the room after saying that.

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After that day of getting a little information out of Aiden, Edwin had stayed at his place. It'd been around 5 days already and they'd had a sweet and relaxing time with each other.

Edwin tried to get him to talk and open up, but to no avail. Aiden turned the subject around each time and it usually ended up with them having sex. Edwin wasn't complaining about the bodily contact cos he wanted to be close to the older and feel him, but a voice at the back of his head didn't let him be. He knew Aiden had some feelings for him, he was sure of it, but every time Ian or Joe's name was mentioned, his mood would drop almost immediately. During his stay, the usual group of Aiden's friends had come twice, but Joe hadn't come. He hadn't called either. Were they still to be considered best friends?

To top it all, he didn't know what he wanted to do anymore. He didn't feel like going to the hospital and he didn't have the energy to go to the dance school, or maybe he just wanted to be with Aiden while he still had the chance and time before the guy would go away for god knows how long. But he still had a life of his own to lead, so why didn't he seem to be able to think about what he wanted to do? Even Brad had scolded him for being absent from school for nearly a week.

Overall, he just wasn't in a good mood, especially today, cos his head was full of different thoughts, and pictures of his sister in front of his eyes wouldn't leave him be. He washed his body furiously and let himself sink into the bathtub, getting a little bit relaxed by all the bubbles and the blue water that Aiden had made for him. He was still in the bathtub when the man knocked on the glass door.

"Edwin, I have to go out a bit. Make sure to order something to eat, okay?"

"Where are you going?" He found himself asking as soon as he turned around to see Aiden.

"I have a few things to take care of." He smiled and left.

Edwin sighed. It's not like the other had to tell him his every move or something, but why wake him up if he wanted to leave? He would just be numb and in dreamland while the other was outside. He groaned and went underwater, holding his breath for as long as he could. This would always make his mind clear a bit.

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