Chapter 72

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"I think Aiden's in danger."

The word danger kept ringing in Edwin's ear. It took him a good three seconds to collect himself and put the phone on speaker.

"What- do you m-mean in danger?" His throat felt dry, like he hadn't drunk anything in days.

"I saw a bunch of giant men taking him and another guy to this building. I don't like the aura of this place, Edwin. Do you know what is up, or is he really in danger?" Vincent said in a quiet tone. There was a voice whispering something that could not be heard on this side of the line but showed that Vin was not alone.

"Hi, this is Ian. Could you send us your location? Are you still at that place?" Ian said, and pressed a few keys on the keyboard.

"Yes, wait.." A few seconds later, Edwin's phone showed a notification. Ian saw the numbers and entered them on his laptop.

"This- This is in the middle of nowhere!" He semi-shouted and was about to send the location to the police officer he knew in that country when a message showed up on his screen. Realizing what it was, his eyes widened and his lips parted.

"Guys... Aiden just sent a message."

"What!?" Nearly everyone shouted in sync.

Edwin sat next to Ian, looking at the screen in search of the said message. "Where? There's just a bunch of codes here."

"This is a language we created. A code language just for the two of us." Ian explained with a voice not louder than a whisper.

"Well? What does it say?" Brad asked and wrapped his arm around Max, who seemed to be on the edge of breaking down.

"We're fine. Stay put. We'll be back. Don't reply." He bit his lip. Where was Aiden that he had to use their code language to send him a message like this?

No one said anything after that. If Aiden told them to stay put and not do anything, that was what they were going to do.

DeleteCreated with Sketch.

"Why are we in separate vans?! We can all fit in one!" Aiden asked as soon as the van started. Luis made himself comfortable in his seat.

"I don't know. I guess they wanted to make a good impression!" He chuckled.

"Good impression, my ass. The whole crowd was dying from the heat! I will never perform in this hall again." He groaned, remembering the fan that had fainted due to the high temperature. He himself had gone dizzy and went backstage to get some good amount of water to dehydrate, and well, some magic medicine they injected him with that cured all his cells and gave him a ridiculous amount of energy. That shit was good! He should have asked them what it was.

"Then don't. I'm really sleepy. I know you won't sleep now, so just wake me up when we arrive at the hotel." Luis said and closed his eyes, drifting to the dreamland a second later.

Aiden raised his eyebrows due to the surprise. Luis was never that tired to just ditch him and sleep. He shrugged and took his phone out, wanting to message Edwin. But then... what happened then? He couldn't even remember unlocking the device. Everything seemed to have gone black after that.

Waking up slowly, he winced cos his head was throbbing so bad, he couldn't even open his eyes completely. He wanted to massage his temples to ease the pain a bit, but soon he realized he couldn't raise his hands. Trying a bit more and failing, he suddenly forgot all about the pain and opened his eyes wide, checking his surroundings.

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