Chapter 60

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Ian: Bunny, how is Edwin?

Aiden: Better. He was in so much pain last night.

Finn: Anything on the one who did this?

Aiden: Luis checked the CCTV. They're searching for him. I'm gonna kill the guy.

Brad: Chill!

Max: I'll help you.

Finn: Max!

Aiden: The CCTV footage was insane. The fucker just shoved him to the wall. Ed was lucky he didn't hit his head, cos if he did, with the force that maniac used...

Joe: Yo man where the fuck are you! The CEO is going nuts. You are supposed to be here for the company show.

Aiden: Seriously Joe?!

Joe: Yes seriously! Get your ass here. And where is Luis?!

Aiden: He is at the police station. And I won't leave Ed. So the CEO can go fuck himself.

Brad: I'm here as well and the man is really pissed. He will scold you 'bad' later if you really don't show up.

Aiden: He could fire me for all I care. Do you guys really not see what the situation is right now?!

Finn: We see Den.

Max are you free rn?

Max: No, I'm actually texting in class.

Ian: Den, I'll head to the hospital now. You get ready to leave for that schedule you have. I'll be with Edwin while you're out.

Aiden: You have your whole company to manage. It's fine. I'll deal with the consequences later. I don't wanna leave him.


"I'm scared."

The three words kept ringing in his ears as he held Edwin in his arms and let him shed as many tears as he wanted. After a couple of minutes, he felt the sobs getting weaker, and they eventually turned into only heavy breaths.

Aiden stroked over the blue silky hair as he started talking in a soft, quiet voice. "What are you scared of, Eddie? Would you tell me what happened?" He wanted to lean back to look at Edwin, but the other tightened his grip. He decided Edwin wanted the closeness, so he stayed still.

"Promise me you won't do anything out of anger."

Aiden was hesitant and confused, but he nodded anyway. "Promise." He whispered and placed a kiss on top of Edwin's hair.

"Yesterday when I came to the company, and we went to the cafeteria, we were holding hands, remember?"

Aiden hummed, continuing his caressing over the younger's hair and back.

"When I left you to go back to the school, this guy ran after me in the alley next to the company building. At first, I thought he wanted to mug me or something, but then he pushed me against the wall roughly. And you know how I have little to no body strength... So I got hit to the wall and then when I was hitting the ground, there was this abandoned table I landed on, and that's why I have this bruise now."

Aiden was both angry and confused. He wanted to kill the guy, whoever he was, for doing this. "But why did he do that if he didn't want your money?"

Edwin's hands tightened more around him as he clutched onto his shirt.

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