Chapter 48

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The sea wasn't that far, maybe a two-hour ride, but Edwin, being drunk as fuck, fell asleep after around 50 minutes of constantly looking out all excitedly like it was his first time seeing everything. He would squeak and show Aiden every pet or every cute kid he'd see while they were waiting for the light to turn green and Aiden would just coo over whatever the younger was pointing at. He couldn't help but laugh at how silly the 'doctor' was acting. Not that he was complaining or anything. He loved it. He loved it all wholeheartedly. His camera roll certainly did as well!

Seeing on the navigator that they were rather close to the beach, he pulled up at a pharmacy. Looking over at a sleeping Edwin, he pulled the jacket he had thrown over him after he fell asleep a little higher, and went out of the car, locking it just in case. He quickly bought some stuff that would help with the hangover and some painkillers and got back to the car.

They arrived a mere 10 minutes later and Aiden drove all the way to the shore, parking the car near the giant rocks. It was 12:40 AM, and it was rather dark, only a few streetlights lighting their surroundings. He looked over at Edwin. He was sleeping so peacefully and he didn't want to wake him up, knowing he would have a headache and would probably even throw up all he had drunk. But he had to cos the other really wanted to see the sea at the calmness of the night. That was what he told him on their way there.

Getting out of the car and going around it, he opened the passenger's door and bent down so he could be able to unfasten the belt. Clicking it open, he let it go to the side carefully. Aiden couldn't help but appreciate the sight of a beautifully asleep Edwin with blue hair for a while. He loved the natural black hair on him too, back at the hospital, but this color- Damn, this color looked good on him. Finally, he gathered his senses and put his right hand gently on the other's cheek. Caressing it lovingly and enjoying the difference in their skin tone, he called the younger's name. But he wasn't surprised when the other didn't show any reaction. A drunk Edwin was the hardest Edwin to awaken.

"Edwin." He whispered, still caressing his thumb on the sleeping beauty's cheek.


"Bluewin~ wake up. Didn't you wanna see the beach?"

Nothing. There was no reaction whatsoever. Which left him with one option. Well, he had two options, but he didn't want to startle the boy, so he chose the smoother one. He leaned in and pulled the cute curvy ear of Edwin into his mouth, biting on it gently. The other shifted a bit and whimpered, but still didn't wake up. Aiden bit again while he added sucking and licking as well. Edwin's ears were quite sensitive, so this was the only civilized way to wake him up at the moment. A few nibbles on the earlobe later, the younger slowly opened his eyes.

"What are you doing? Let me sleep." He whined, trying to push the older's face away from his abused ear.

Aiden let go of the now red, sensitive part but didn't move back. Instead, he kept close to his ear and whispered, "The sea awaits, my prince."

Edwin's eyes flashed open as he felt his face heat up at the new nickname. 'Prince'? Did Aiden just call him prince? 'My' prince?!

He cleared his throat and pushed Aiden away, using a bit more strength compared to his last failed attempt. The older leaned back and looked into his eyes, a genuine smile on his face.

"We're at the beach just like you wanted. But if you're really tired now, we can go to a hotel and come again tomorrow. It's up to you." He said and took the younger's hands in his, squeezing them before rolling his sleeve up for no reason. Suddenly Edwin understood why the singer did that and moved his hand away from him.

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