Chapter 32

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Following Aiden inside his house, Luis and Edwin were met with a heartbreaking sight. There were bottles everywhere, a pair of sweatpants on the ground next to the bedroom door, and... yes, shattered pieces of what must have been a bottle all over the floor. None of this was as bad as how Aiden looked himself. When the two saw him at the elevator, he could barely hold himself up and he had come back to the apartment with the help of the walls he put his hand on in order not to collapse there and then. Even Luis's sassy attitude was nowhere to be found at this moment, as he could only feel sympathy for the broken singer who had been sitting there quietly, hiding his face with a hand over his eyes and lips parted, breathing pattern somewhat unsteady.

Edwin moved closer to him, as he saw Aiden's chest beginning to rise and fall more and more, and saw sweat glittering on his very pale skin. Before he could do or say anything, Aiden sat up, pushed him out of his way, and ran to the bathroom. From the sound, he knew he was throwing up. Again.

Edwin rushed to the shelf he remembered Brad getting the medicine from and took out the pills, going in the bathroom's direction with a glass of water, careful not to step on the shards on the floor.

Aiden was lying there on the bathroom floor when he got there. He just seemed lifeless. The only thing that showed he was actually still alive was the fast and harsh breathing. Edwin sat down beside him and tried to pick his upper body up, but his limbs were very lax, thus he had become really heavy, regardless of the considerable amount of weight the man had lost in just three days.

"Open your mouth. You have to take your pill."

The breathing was becoming more desperate and the sweating more visible. His shirt was beginning to soak.

"It's- not- that..." Aiden said with much effort in a breathy voice and clutched onto his chest.

"Does it hurt, Aiden?"

The other nodded shortly. "My heart, it's beating really fast." He groaned and swallowed hard.

Luis must've come there a while ago cos upon hearing that, he said, "I'm gonna call an ambulance."

9 minutes later and two nurses rushed into the bathroom where Aiden was still lying, curled up into a ball and wincing in a pain that the two men didn't know the source of. They took him away immediately, and they followed by Luis's car.

A stressful hour passed while his friends arrived at the hospital one by one after Edwin called Brad to inform him, and he must've told the others. They all sat there thinking he must've just overdosed again or something. They wanted to kill him as much as they were worried about him.

After a long, devastating wait, the doctor came out of the room. They all stood up and circled her immediately.

"We had to do a gastric lavage on him, but he's good now."

"But he said his heart was aching?" Edwin questioned.

"He hasn't been eating for days and probably only drinking alcohol, which his body refused, so he must've been throwing up constantly and the amount of alcohol and the pressure the stomach was going through put the body in shock. That's why his lungs and heart began overworking. But as I said, he's good now. He just needs to eat properly and rest a bit. He'll be able to go out tomorrow if nothing goes wrong. He's asleep, but you can see him."

"We should've just broken down his door and kicked his fucking ass and made sure he was at least eating instead of letting him be." Finn said, sighing.

"This is my fault. I got angry at him and made him feel more guilty than he already does. I'm so stupid." Joe cried while hiding his face in his palms.

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