Chapter 100

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The cheering sound was still loud and ongoing when they were done getting changed. The fans were still singing the encore song even though the concert had finished about 10 minutes ago.

"Please tell me you're coming home with me. I don't wanna sleep alone again tonight! It's been a week!" Edwin said tiredly as he back-hugged Aiden on their way to the van, dangling from his body.

"I still have a few things to take care of. But I'll go home tonight if my baby wants me to." The singer said as he bent down a bit, took hold of the lean thighs, and made Edwin jump up so he could piggyback him the rest of the way.

"Hmm, I want you to. I really really do. Although I'm gonna fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow, I still want you to hold me." Edwin murmured into his neck, probably already half-asleep.

"Everything for you, bluewin."

It was still unfamiliar to Aiden. The path to their new home was, although it had been around 6 months already.

Four years into their relationship, they decided to move to a bigger place. It was still an apartment, but it was a fancier one, with more rooms so they could have guest rooms, since the number of people having a sleepover at their home had increased. Finn and Clara had their second child, a boy, two years back, and the two kids loved the Eden couple so much that whenever they came to visit, they just wouldn't leave. They made one of the new rooms a kids' room, filled with toys and two beds, so the siblings could stay whenever they wanted. Brad and Mia had gotten married a year ago, and she was pregnant with a baby girl as well. Something told the celebrity couple that their new angel would want to stay with the siblings at their place as well.

And then there were the IanJoe couple with their now two dogs in addition to the two cats. They wouldn't leave them at home, so Edwin made sure to build a corner for the pets with cute small houses, pet toys, and everything. Everybody hung out in their place whenever they were in town and not on tour, so they kind of had to have these things prepared for all of them to enjoy their time together without worrying. The kids would play in their room, the pets would play in their place without breaking anything and the grown-ups had the living room to hang out and drink or do whatever they wanted to do. The only couples with no pets and no kids were the Evans brothers and their partners.

And they had to have another guest room as well, since Edwin's parents started visiting them more often lately. After years of being cautious about Aiden and how he treated their son, they finally realized he wasn't a shitty husband and so they came with lots of homemade food and big smiles and stayed the night.

Aiden being Aiden, he had gotten used to his singing and producing career a couple of years back. He still loved it when he performed and when he worked on music, but it was no longer enough. He wanted more. He had to start doing something else before he would get sick of his music, which he really didn't want to happen.

Thus, he started his own brand with the help of two very talented and creative women with great ideas. It didn't take long for their company to start having a decent amount of profit, since they had Aiden's unbelievable popularity behind them. All of this resulted in needing one giant room in the house. One that the celebrity could both do his music in and work on his fashion-related projects. But every good thing had some bad sides to it as well. Although he was successful in the fashion industry with the unique styles he and his colleagues came up with, he now had even less free time. There were nights they all had to stay at the company to get everything thoroughly prepared for the announcement of their new collection.

"Eddie, baby, we're here." Aiden caressed his lover's cheek gently. The younger had his eyes closed, but he knew he wasn't asleep.

"I'm so freaking tired. I just want you to force me into the shower fast and then I wanna sleep for three days straight."

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