Chapter 3

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"Denny~ Aiden! Wake up, hm? Come on. You've been in your room for 3 days now. At least come eat something."

"I'm not hungry, Finn." He mumbled while still lying in bed, eyes closed.

"How can you not be hungry? When was the last time you ate? Or drank? Or showered? You stink, you know." Finn ran his fingers through Aiden's hair soothingly.

"I don't know. I just don't have any appetite. Can I be alone, please?" He said as he pushed Finn's hand away gently.

"No. You've been alone enough already. Look how skinny you've become. Do you think he'd want to see you in this condition?"

"He won't be seeing me in any condition, Finn! That's the whole fucking point." Aiden yelled at him, opening his eyes and looking straight at the other. "I won't be seeing him anymore. Cos he left. He left, and I'm here, and I don't care if I stink or if I'm skinny. You all need to leave me the fuck alone." He closed his eyes again, and a tear rolled down his face.


Aiden felt someone shaking his body.

"Leave me alone, Finn. I don't wanna eat." he said, feeling irritated.

"Who's Finn? It's dinnertime. So you're not gonna eat?" A voice said.

Opening his eyes, he felt confused before he remembered where he was; the hospital. With this blond dude hovering over him, trying to wake him up.

He pushed him away. "You know, there's no need to be on top of me in order to wake me up. You could've just called my name."

"I did. You didn't move an inch. Also..." He reached out and rubbed over Aiden's cheek with his thumb. "You cried in your sleep!" Vincent said, smiling brightly.

"And why are you so happy I cried in my sleep?" He raised an eyebrow, trying to figure this guy out.

"Because! Feelings! They're beautiful!" The other said lively.

He sighed for the nth time that day, "Fuck my life."

Vincent tilted his head in confusion. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by a deep voice.

"Let's get going, Vincent." Kurt then turned to look at Aiden. "You coming or not?"

He nodded and got up, following them.

There was only one empty table in the dining room when they got there. The room was filled with people. Men and women of all ages. The three of them got their food and sat around the lonely table by the window. It was sunset, and the sky was an angry red. 'Blood has been shed.' Echoed a familiar voice in his head and suddenly he lost his appetite again.

Pushing the food aside, he noticed a smiling Edwin coming their way with his food tray in hand. "Mind if I join you?"

"I'm new, and I don't care. They're the ones you should be asking." He nodded at the two who were sitting across from him.

"Please sit, Edwin." Kurt said, smiling.

Aiden looked at him and noticed his dimples. They were like Joe's, his... once friend. He looked very soft smiling like this. So unlike the vibe his cave voice gave out.

Kurt looked around the room as if looking for someone. Edwin must've known who he was looking for.

"She's not here..." He whispered like he didn't want to hear his own voice saying that sentence. At that moment, he looked genuinely down.

"Is she eating at all?" Kurt asked, concern written all over his face.

"I bring food to her room. That way, she eats a little."

Kurt and Edwin kept looking at each other for a short while as if they were talking without words when a shouting Vincent shocked all of them. "AIDEN IS THAT YOU?"

He turned around to look where he was pointing and saw himself on TV. It was one of his music videos that was filmed at one of the concerts.

"You're a singer? That was NOT in your file!" Edwin said, obviously surprised.

"Being a singer is irrelevant to my current situation, so it was not accurate to mention it. Besides, I'm rather famous and I'm actually hurt you don't know me!" He said the second part teasingly.

"But...!!" Edwin was looking at him with widened eyes. It was really cute. Not like the doctor figure he tried so hard to pull off.

"Hm? But what?" Aiden asked, tilting his head and looking into his eyes.

The boy blinked and got his professional persona back on. "But. I've been in this place 24/7 and I haven't had the time to check out music much."

"Well then, it's a shame." He replied, standing up. Everything was starting to get on his nerves again, showing it was time for another dose, but he knew he wasn't going to get it anytime soon.

"You haven't eaten anything!" Edwin said after him.

"Not hungry."

The yard was empty when he went outside and it was dark. Somehow all the noise from the dining room was replaced by the unlimited silence out there, only to be disturbed by the sound of water coming down from the fountain.

Aiden stood there looking at the statue figure, trying to remember the name. He was interested in Greek mythology when he was a kid and he knew all the gods' names by heart, but somewhere along the shitty road of growing up, he forgot all of it.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He heard someone say.

Looking to the side, he found the girl with lilac hair coming closer with slow steps.

"Yeah, I'm trying to remember the name, but so far..." He gestured with his hands and shrugged.

She smiled shortly and sat in front of the fountain on a stone, merely a meter away from him. He did the same and grabbed a leaf that had fallen from a nearby tree, playing with it.

"Do you like it in here?" Aiden asked, trying to start a conversation. It was stupid tho! Who could possibly like being in such a place!

"Like? What does that imply?" She asked calmly.

He didn't know what to say. How was he supposed to explain the word 'like' in terms of being used for a mental hospital?

"I... don't know. Like, do you like being here? With all these people? Being treated and stuff? I don't know how to explain a word. What's your name, by the way?" He tried to change the subject.

She looked at him with a numb expression. Aiden couldn't figure out what she was thinking at all. After a while, she turned to look at the fountain again.

"Names are meaningless. Words don't mean anything. And this place? Well, I like it here. It's better than being among brainless people out there. At least the ones here have gone crazy from thinking too much. Somehow."

She closed her eyes after that and breathed in deeply before standing up and leaving without another word.

Aiden looked at her, disappearing into the darkness of the yard as he kept thinking about her words. 'Names are meaningless.' Maybe they were. Maybe that was why he couldn't remember this goddess's. After all, names were just one of the many labels that were stuck to their foreheads right after being born. But he couldn't imagine enjoying being there. He wanted to be at his home. Alone, and preferably high, so he could shut the voice in his head out. He needed to go search for Lucas. He couldn't possibly take the itch anymore.

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