Chapter 67

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Aiden had been standing in front of the door for about 5 minutes now. His head was already hurting, and he really didn't want to ring the bell, but he had to. He had been trying to get in contact with his brother for the past few days, but the boy seemed to be really upset with him this time after he left his birthday party the other day. He hadn't even gone to any of their friends' houses, he just seemed to really not want to see the older.

As much as Aiden didn't like his mother, he still had to fix things with Max cos he simply loved him. So that led him to one solution. He had to go to their house, cos Max, despite being 22 years old, still didn't have his own place.

Sucking a deep breath in, he collected himself and rang the bell at last. A few seconds passed before the door opened and Aiden couldn't believe he was actually going to step foot in there by his very own will. As soon as he went inside and closed the door silently behind him, he saw Mr. Evans coming his way with a smile on his face. How this man ended up with his mother, he would never know.

"Son! It's a surprise to see you here. Come in, come in." He was welcomed by a strong pat on his back and the very hand held onto his shoulder and led him inside, almost as if the man was scared Aiden would flee at any second.

Going in, he spotted his mother coming out of the kitchen and that was it as he turned his whole body toward Mr. Evans.

"Is Max home?" He knew he would be home at this hour on a Wednesday, studying his butt off, but he still had to ask. He couldn't go around people's houses just like that. Yes, it was the house he spent some of his years in, but it was not like he had ever considered it a home. He was really more comfortable at the hospital than at this place. Maybe it was because Edwin was in it?

'Aaah, let's not think about your boyfriend for one second, just one freaking second of not thinking about him wouldn't kill.'

He said in his head, or rather, he heard in his head. Either way, he ignored it. Thinking about the beautiful boy always made him calm down anyway so that voice could go fuck itself.

"Yes, he's in his room." Mr. Evans answered, a little bit taken aback by Aiden standing face to face with him. The man was still taller, but there was a look of adoration in his eyes when he looked at the top of Aiden's head, back to his eyes.

Mr. Evans was secretly cooing over how grown up Aiden had become compared to the first time he saw him. This was really the first time the younger was standing so close, looking at him with an unannoyed face. He had always tried to get close to him, but there had always been this wall separating them, adding to the fact that he was almost never home, and then he ran out as soon as he got the chance. When his wife had become pregnant, he was seriously worried about the way Aiden would react to the news, but he was shocked when the years passed and he witnessed the endless love the boy always showed Max. He would always be there for him, one call away, whenever the kid was in need of help or support of any sort.

"Okay, thank you." Aiden said politely and turned toward the stairs but as he was going to take the first step up, he felt a hand on his arm, holding him weakly. He turned a bit to see a not-so-clear sight of his mother.

"I'm sorry." The woman said in a voice that didn't really have much emotion in it, or that was how Aiden felt.

"No you're not." He pulled his arm away from his mother's grip and ran upstairs.

Knocking on the door with the sign 'Welcome to my world' actually carved on it, he didn't wait for permission before going in.

Max had his headphones on, towering over a pile of books. Deeply concentrated, he didn't even notice Aiden coming in.

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